CwBar and CwBand useable in Composition Editor ?

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CwBar and CwBand useable in Composition Editor ?

Marten Feldtmann-4
And if yes: are there any examples available ?


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Re: CwBar and CwBand useable in Composition Editor ?

Richard Sargent
On Thursday, October 8, 2015 at 8:34:08 AM UTC-7, Marten Feldtmann wrote:
And if yes: are there any examples available ?

I'm not aware of any Cw* classes that work directly in the ABT editors. That's why there are corresponding Abt* classes .


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Re: CwBar and CwBand useable in Composition Editor ?

Marten Feldtmann-4
Well, they are shown up in the CompositionEditor and you can drop it on the views ... but then how can I work with them :-))

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Re: CwBar and CwBand useable in Composition Editor ?

Klaus Breker-2
Hi Marten,

AbtCwRebarView and AbtCwBand are used in the composition editor, but I don't know how to use them.

CwRebar has an example in the CwWindowsControlsExamples. -> CwRebarExample. For this examples you have to load the config map ENVY/Image Examples.


Am Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2015 21:13:59 UTC+2 schrieb Marten Feldtmann:
Well, they are shown up in the CompositionEditor and you can drop it on the views ... but then how can I work with them :-))

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