D4PL1BUG: Database Connection DBResultSet>>species returns wrong class...

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D4PL1BUG: Database Connection DBResultSet>>species returns wrong class...

Christopher J. Demers
This issue looks like it was introduced in D4 PL1.

Database Connection DBResultSet>>species seems to return the wrong class.  I
ran into this problem when I tried to collect: over a DBResultSet, it tries
to add to an Array.

Here is the code, it looks like it is not doing a very good job of
pretending to be an OrderedCollection. ;)  Interestingly enough it returns
OrderedCollection like it should in Dolphin 3.0.

 "Answer the species of DBResultSets (pretend to be
 an OrderedCollection)"


Upon further inspection (thanks to STS) I noticed that the method had been
updated at a different date than the rest of the methods.  I then looked at
the Dolphin patch level 1 documentation, and I saw this line:

SE1: BUG: species of DBResultSet should be Array, not OrderedCollection

Is DBResultSet>>species really supposed to return Array?  If so I guess the
comment needs to be adjusted, but more importantly DBResultSet>>collect:
etc... need to be adjusted (or marked as shouldNotImplement if I am not
supposed to be able to use them).



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Re: D4PL1BUG: Database Connection DBResultSet>>species returns wrong class...

Blair McGlashan
"Christopher J. Demers" <[hidden email]> wrote in
message news:93dggk$9oln9$[hidden email]...
> This issue looks like it was introduced in D4 PL1.
> Database Connection DBResultSet>>species seems to return the wrong class.
> ran into this problem when I tried to collect: over a DBResultSet, it
> to add to an Array.

This supposed "bug fix" is obviously ill-conceived. I will back it out and
investigate the original motivation.

I would suggest you just change it back to OrderedCollection for now.

Thanks for the bug report.

