D5 patches

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D5 patches

G Krupa
Has anyone been able to apply the patches available via Dolphin Live

It complains it can't find 'Patch Level 2.st', which I corrected by
opening then saving the patch manually, but then it complains that PL3
is corrupt.

Is there an alternate method available to get these patches?  Am I
doing something wrong?



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Re: D5 patches

Ian Bartholomew-18

> Has anyone been able to apply the patches available via Dolphin Live
> Update?
> It complains it can't find 'Patch Level 2.st', which I corrected by
> opening then saving the patch manually, but then it complains that PL3
> is corrupt.
> Is there an alternate method available to get these patches?  Am I
> doing something wrong?

Thanks to some prompts from this newsgroup I found that to update from
5.0.1 you need to .....

- get the updates using LiveUpdate
- sort the list so that P2 comes before P3 in the list
- install P2
- install P3
