D6 documentation

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D6 documentation

Chris Uppal-3
I think that the 'Thread Affinity' sub-section of:


is out of date and should be re-written.

BTW, I /think/ that the point of the first paragraph of the 'Unexpected
Multi-processing' sub-section (of the same page) is that Dolphin, unlike some
other Smalltalk implementations, /does/ do pre-emptive mult-tasking amongst
Processes of equal priority.  If so then I don't think that comes across very
clearly.  OTOH, if that /isn't/ the case, then /that/ doesn't come across very
clearly either ;-).

Another BTW, on the 'Virtual Calls' page:


it might be worth making it clear that you can't overlap virtual calls (unless
that's now possible, of course).

    -- chris

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Re: D6 documentation

Andy Bower-3

> I think that the 'Thread Affinity' sub-section of:
>     http://www.object-arts.com/docs/tooverlapornottooverlap.htm
> is out of date and should be re-written.
> BTW, I think that the point of the first paragraph of the 'Unexpected
> Multi-processing' sub-section (of the same page) is that Dolphin,
> unlike some other Smalltalk implementations, does do pre-emptive
> mult-tasking amongst Processes of equal priority.  If so then I don't
> think that comes across very clearly.  OTOH, if that isn't the case,
> then that doesn't come across very clearly either ;-).
> Another BTW, on the 'Virtual Calls' page:
> http://www.object-arts.com/docs/virtualcalls_c___olecominterface_.htm
> it might be worth making it clear that you can't overlap virtual
> calls (unless that's now possible, of course).

Thanks, I've recorded these as two issues, #2061 and #2062.

Best regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support