D6 suggestion

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D6 suggestion

Bill Schwab-2

I've been going through my bug tracking data to see if I dare install a new
version of something in the morning :)   In the process, I noticed an item
pointing to a *LOT* of computation that occured in a #defaultModel method.
I finally changed the non-value dialog to a value dialog (of sorts, it's
still non-buffered) specifically to avoid the overhead.

My suggestion is to have the CHB "show" command use #defaultModelForTesting
or similar that defaults to #defaultModel but can be overridden so that it's
possible to create a complicated object for testing in the IDE w/o the
runtime penalty in #showModalOn:, #showOn: etc.  Put another way, there are
default models that are necessary to make something work, and there are
default models that are nice to have but might be overly expensive to force
on a runtime system.  An alternative (perhaps better) would be to skip
#defaultModel when a model is provided.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]