DBXTalk on Pharo4.0

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DBXTalk on Pharo4.0

Ángeles Tella Arena
I'm trying to use DBXTalk on Pharo4.0 with Windows 7 (64bit). I've tried several ways to install it (and I'm sure most of them are out of date), but I always come across with a different problem. I managed to successfully execute a query by merging some of them:

Gofer it
: 'DBXTalk' project: 'Garage';
: 'Garage';
(ConfigurationOfGarage project version: '0.1')
: 'opendbx'.

settings := DBXConnectionSettings host: port: database: userName: userPassword: .
connection := DBXConnection platform: DBXOracleBackend new settings: settings.

Is this the right approach? Am I missing something by only loading Garage?

The nicest way I tried loading DBXTalkDriver was this one:

Gofer new
: 'DBXTalk' project: 'DBXTalkDriver';
package: 'ConfigurationOfOpenDBXDriver';
#ConfigurationOfOpenDBXDriver asClass loadBleedingEdge.

settings := DBXConnectionSettings host: port: database: userName: userPassword: .
connection := DBXConnection platform: DBXOracleBackend new settings: settings.

but when trying to execute a query, MNU is raised because DBXResultSet class is missing from the package. I assume my version is not up to date, because I also had to fix the OpenDBX>>current bug by executing NBPharoOpenDBX installAsCurrent before connecting to the database.

I'm sorry if I missed explaining something along the way, I just started this project and hadn't use Pharo in years!


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