DCE on Downloads.com

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DCE on Downloads.com

Andy Bower

We have changed our download links for the Community Edition of Dolphin
so that all downloads are now run through the entry on Downloads.com.


The reason for doing this (apart from the obvious bandwidth saving) is
to boost the count of daily downloads so that we can try and raise the
implied popularity of Dolphin on the Downloads.com site. Up until now
the majority of links to DCE have been via our own hosting of the file
so the statistics on Downloads.com don't actually match up with the
true interest in the system.

We've also noted that the user rating of 5 stars in the Downloads.com
entry, while very impressive, could hardly be regarded as statistically
significant being the result of only one review (thanks Steve). It
would be great, therefore, if any of you DCE users out there could put
up some additional reviews of the product. Ta.

Best regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support