Today Firefox switched over to using 'DNS over HTTPS (DoH)' by default.
https://blog.mozilla.org/netpolicy/2020/02/25/the-facts-mozillas-dns-over-https-doh/We can do this in Pharo as well, even out of the box (minus the interpretation of the results, but still).
First, what is this ? A good description is:
https://developers.cloudflare.com/ the Cloudflare server, we can do the following in Pharo, using the JSON wire format.
ZnClient new
url: '
https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query'; accept: 'application/dns-json';
queryAt: #name put: 'pharo.org';
queryAt: #type put: 'A';
contentReader: [ :entity | STONJSON fromString: entity contents ];
The actual address can be accessed inside the returned result.
SocketAddress fromDottedString: (((ZnClient new
url: '
https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query'; accept: 'application/dns-json';
queryAt: #name put: 'pharo.org';
queryAt: #type put: 'A';
contentReader: [ :entity | STONJSON fromString: entity contents ];
get) at: #Answer) first at: #data).
If you load the following code,
https://github.com/svenvc/NeoDNSit is just as easy to use the binary UDP wire format.
ZnClient new
url: '
https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query'; accept: 'application/dns-message';
contentWriter: [ :message |
ZnEntity with: message asByteArray type: 'application/dns-message' ];
contentReader: [ :entity |
DNSMessage readFrom: entity readStream ];
contents: (DNSMessage addressByName: 'pharo.org');
Again, the actual address can be accessed inside the returned object.
(ZnClient new
url: '
https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query'; accept: 'application/dns-message';
contentWriter: [ :message |
ZnEntity with: message asByteArray type: 'application/dns-message' ];
contentReader: [ :entity |
DNSMessage readFrom: entity readStream ];
contents: (DNSMessage addressByName: 'pharo.org');
post) answers first address.
Incidentally, a more robust answer can be got as follows:
NeoSimplifiedDNSClient default addressForName: 'pharo.org'.