OK, I've kicked the tyres on DSDN, fiddled a bit, fixed a few bugs (yes,
really!) and uploaded the complete DSDN folder to....
http://www.smalltalk.vispa.com/files/dsdn.zipIt's about 35 KiB in size. Unzip the file to your Dolphin 6 image
folder and install the package. It should have no prerequisites. It's
probably best if you remove any existing DSDN folder before unzipping
this one, _but remember_ to save any extra documentation or news archive
files you have copied into the old folders before deleting them.
The main things you will notice are that the WIKI and EducationCentre
tabs are lacking files. The WIKI folder will have to wait until the new
OA WIKI is up and running. The EducationCentre folder will have to wait
until (a) I can see if I can convert the EC to a compatible format and
(b) OA give me permission to write a converter (assuming I can) to do so.
Any problems please ask here or mail me or Bill Schwab.
Use the Reply-To address to contact me.
Mail sent to the From address is ignored.