Changes to Trunk ( in the last 24 hours: Kernel-dtl.458
Ancestors: Kernel-dtl.457
Fix discrepancy noted in Mantis 7525
JoachimGeidel - 06-10-10 12:20
PseudoContext class>>initialize and TranslatedMethod class>>initialize test
if the specialObjectsArray size equals 41 after recreating it and raise an
Error if it is not (in Squeak 4.1, latest update: 9957). The tests should
either be updated or removed.
============================================= SUnit-dtl.79
Ancestors: SUnit-ar.78
Provide TestCase>>timeout: as a mechanism for setting the timeout in images that do not support method annotations. For example, BitBltSimulationTest in package VMMaker requires a longer timeout value, but cannot use a <timeout:10> method annotation because it must be loadable in e.g. Squeak 3.8. The workaround for BilBltSimulationTest would be:
(self respondsTo: #timeout: )
ifTrue: [self perform: #timeout: with: 10]