Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: MorphicExtras-edc.95
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-ul.94

This fix the error we have when:
You made Flaps makeNavigatorFlapResembleGoldenBar , so Navigator Flap shows in the World.
You hit the FIND button and hold .
Then you pick the second item
find a project (more places)



Name: MorphicExtras-fbs.95
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-ul.94

Attempting to open a telemorphic user when you have no network connection results in a dialog asking you to Retry a name lookup (as a network check) or Give Up. If you Give Up, your image will spew out a never-ending stream of debuggers. This change allows the user to see that she needs to make a network connection, but also allows her to abort the operation. See http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7578.



Name: Morphic-fbs.480
Ancestors: Morphic-mha.479

Attempting to open a telemorphic user when you have no network connection results in a dialog asking you to Retry a name lookup (as a network check) or Give Up. If you Give Up, your image will spew out a never-ending stream of debuggers. This change allows the user to see that she needs to make a network connection, but also allows her to abort the operation. See http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7578.



Name: Balloon-cmm.18
Ancestors: Balloon-ar.17

Integrated InterpolatedGradientFillStyle from Pharo to support NewColorPicker.



Name: Morphic-cmm.481
Ancestors: Morphic-fbs.480

Introducing NewColorPickerMorph.  To use, set "Use the new color-picker" preference to true.



Name: EToys-cmm.77
Ancestors: EToys-ul.76

Use NewColorPickerMorph if preference is set.



Name: Morphic-dtl.481
Ancestors: Morphic-fbs.480, Morphic-djr.406

Merge Morphic-djr.406 from inbox



Name: Morphic-djr.406
Ancestors: Morphic-ar.405

Implement some methods to make Lukas' OmniBrowser tests pass.



Name: Morphic-cmm.482
Ancestors: Morphic-cmm.481, Morphic-dtl.481

Merged dtl.481.
