Changes to Trunk ( in the last 24 hours: Kernel-eem.933
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.932
Version of Kernel providing base version if CompiledMethod>>hasBreakpoint which System will override.
============================================= System-eem.752
Ancestors: System-cmm.751
Provide support for uninstaling breakpoints in ClassDescription>>#logMethodSource:forMethodWithNode:inCategory:withStamp:notifying:
============================================= Kernel-eem.934
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.933
Make sure that any breakpointed version of a method has been removed from BreakpointManager and that the original unbreakpointed methid is in hand when method source is logged, hence preserving method history even if the programmer mistakenly redefines a breakpointed method (something which this poor author is susceptible to).