Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: MorphicExtras-ul.58
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-nice.57

Fixed the reference to PreferenceBrowser in the tools flap defining quad.
After loading this package, do it:
Flaps initializeFlapsQuads.
This will fix LocaleTest >> #testLocaleChanged



Name: MorphicExtras-ul.59
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-ul.58

- added a postscript to initialize the flap quads



Name: Morphic-kb.234
Ancestors: Morphic-kb.233

 - fix: there was a bug in Morphic-kb.232 concerning the newly introduced behaviour: "A menu item with a submenu releases its selection only if the mouse doesn't move towards the submenu."



Name: System-nice.168
Ancestors: System-mha.167

Incorrect use of StandardFileStream in #condenseChanges
identified in http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=830

condensing changes and doing modifications before saving the image will mess some non ASCII characters.
a user will generally save as soon as condensed, but above mess can likely happen with scripts.
