Hi Martin, On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 4:15 AM Martin McClure < [hidden email]> wrote: In the latest Pharo 7
(32 Bit)) it seems like clicking "Through" in the debugger often (but
not always) has the effect of "Into", which seems wrong and makes
stepping through code difficult. I don't know how new this behavior is.
Is this a known behavior? If not, I'll characterize it further.
Not that I know. From the top of my head, step through should work like a step over, unless the execution flows into the block whose home = thisContext.
What is the behaviour you expect?
Just as a side note, we have a Phd student trying to understand the semantics of our debugger operations and they are not always so evident. We are trying to write tests for all these to "formalise" (:)) the semantics and have a battery to detect regressions.