Debugger front-end

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Debugger front-end

Maximillian Davids

I need your help. I'm trying to create a debugger front-end for a scripting language. The idea is as follows: I program the GUI in visualworks, and use a series of commands to interact with the back-end (sending them via Telnet). The front-end should give the user some high-level functionality that is not present in the back-end (that is the biggest problem here), such as stepping until a variable reaches some value, placing breakpoints dynamically, etc.

So, my questions:
Is there...
1) a debugger front-end for visualworks that supports command-configuration? (I don't want to program something that already exists :) )
2) a code editor for visualworks that allows pluggin creation?
3) some easy way of parsing any kind of code (i. e. some framework)?

And in general... I will accept any suggestion concerning "debugger-creation" in visualworks.

Thanks in advance.
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RE: Debugger front-end

Steven Kelly

From: Maximillian Davids [mailto:[hidden email]]
1) a debugger front-end for visualworks that supports command-configuration? (I don't want to program something that already exists :) )
2) a code editor for visualworks that allows pluggin creation?
3) some easy way of parsing any kind of code (i. e. some framework)?


AFAIK the answers to 1&2 are "no" – or if you're an expert on the existing debugger and Refactoring Browser, "not really". We built our own debugger GUI for our own language, and to be honest the GUI part of it was easy: the harder parts are the back end and the interaction with it.


For 3), I'd recommend SmaCC. There's a parcel in the contributed directory of VW, but it's best to grab the latest version from the public Store. See also the tutorial and documentation on (but don't get the code from there, it's older).


