In the code below I want to the value of (currentNames includes: v)
If I remember correctly in the past I could position my cursor and say run up to caret.
But I cannot find it.
valuesOnlyBy: aRowKey
| valueNames |
valueNames := self valueNamesOf: aRowKey.
(self rowKeysExcept: aRowKey)
do: [ :eachRowName |
| currentNames |
self halt.
currentNames := self valueNamesOf: eachRowName.
do: [ :v |
(currentNames includes: v)
ifTrue: [ valueNames remove: v ].
valueNames isEmpty
ifTrue: [ ^ #() ] ] ].
^ valueNames
BTW Does anybody understand what through is doing and how to use it?
I do not understand the fly by help :((((((((((((((((
Nor when I use it.