I never knew it did that - but it makes sense. Presumably pressing resume then activated them again right?
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I'll often put several breakpoints in code like this...
debug := true.
"Somewhere else in application code..."
debug ifTrue: [ self halt ].
1 + 1. "Representing some longer bit of application code"
debug ifTrue: [ self halt ].
2 + 2. "Representing some longer bit of application code"
debug ifTrue: [ self halt ].
3 + 3. "Representing some longer bit of application code"
While stepping <Over> code after hitting the first halt,
I am used to subsequent halts being silently stepped over.
and also build 60541 started from PharoLauncher.
However build 71231 and build 60542 do not silently step over a #halt.
Each produces slightly different results (pics attached).
I've logged an issue...
cheers -ben