Debugger>>toggleBreakpoint not implemented

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Debugger>>toggleBreakpoint not implemented

Louis Sumberg-2
I notice in the Debugger there's a menu item (and F9 accelerator) to toggle
breakpoints but there's no method defined.  DSDN shows there was some work
done on this by a few people circa early 1998 and I agree it's a desirable
convenience feature.  I also see that Artur Zaroda asked (Aug 10 1998) "what
is the story behind that Debug/Toggle breakpoint thing?" (there was no reply
to his question, btw) so apparently at least the menu item has been around
for awhile, if not the method.  Is this something that was implemented and
taken out for some reason ... or what?

-- Louis

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Re: Debugger>>toggleBreakpoint not implemented

Louis Sumberg-2
> "...the story behind that Debug/Toggle breakpoint thing?" (there was no
> to his question, btw) ...

Oops, I see that Blair did reply - "it is a placeholder for future
