On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 5:35 PM, Denis Kudriashov <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Also I found another funny issue. Try debugIt following expression:
> 1 ifTrue: [2].
> You will be wondering that debugger will not able to open.
To quickly get to the point to observe the cause, you can insert...
Halt if: [interruptedProcess suspendedContext receiver == nil].
into DebugSession>>stepInto: just after the send of #step.
Then when you step into Context>>stepToSendOrReturn
step once over "context := self step"
and the second time step in until you get to
which substitutes the following context
sender: self "=Undefined>>DoIt"
receiver: rcvr "=1"
method: newMethod "=Object>>#mustBeBoolean"
arguments: args "=#()"
such that in RubSmalltalkEditor>>debug:receiver:in:
the condition block
debugSession stepIntoUntil: [:currentContext |
currentContext method == aCompiledMethod ]
always fails, so in DebugSession>>stepIntoUntil: the #whileFalse: never exits.
A possible fix (if a bit hacky) is...
debugSession stepIntoUntil: [:currentContext |
(currentContext method == aCompiledMethod)
or: [currentContext method selector==#mustBeBoolean] ].
cheers -ben