I am having trouble with scopeEnvironmentWhile: when debugging, maybe
someone knows a workaround. The actual application is more complex,
but here a small example to reproduce the bug on the Workspace
First do the below code and click 'terminate' when the DNU dialog
shows up
Processor activeProcess scopeEnvironmentWhile: [ :env |
env at: #foo put: 'while'.
3 zork ].
Then do
Processor activeProcess environmentAt: #foo.
which returns 'while' instead of the correct nil. Also what I found
out is that if Processor activeProcess is saved into a var before and
compared using == afterwards, it is not the same anymore! The active
process is afterwards a new process with an environment that has the
old process' environment as parent, but the wrong one - the scoped
one from within the block not the default one from outside.
If no exception is thrown inside the while block or if the exception
is handled programmatically, everything works fine. It seems the
debugger is doing same process foo foo behind the scenes.
Is there a fix or workaround for this? As it is now, this makes
debugging our application nearly impossible.
-- Adrian