"Bill Schwab" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message
[hidden email]...
> Andy, Blair,
> Thanks in large part to you and Dolphin, I appear to have software that is
> sufficiently stable that I reboot only when Microsoft forces me via
> updates.
> Can you confirm that system clock wraps are not handled? Any speculation
> on
> when they might be?
The wrapping of the millisecond clock is ignored. No plans to fix at
present, although I will add a defect report for it. Off the top of my head
I would say that it will probably require no changes in the VM, just some
additional conditions in the Delay class. Since it only happens once every
40 to 50 days (if I remember correctly), it might need a little refactoring
to make it testable (so that the millisecond clock source can be