It is to despair, I spend hours and hours to port my 5.1.4 Pac to 6. I
imported every view in a single step into the VC. The package did not load because of the second error below. Now I got my PAC into vers 6 and deployed it successfully - it crashes at runtime. Is that fair? Please chear my up! Klaus ************************** Dolphin Virtual Machine Dump Report *************************** 11:21:24, 12.12.2005: Primitive Process>>primTerminate failed (0) *----> VM Context <----* Process: {09A80004:size 76 words, suspended frame 01580010, priority 6, callbacks 0 last failure 0:nil, FPE mask 3, thread nil} Active Method: SessionManager>>logError: IP: 096B9A89 (9) SP: 09A80214 BP: 09A801E8 (106) ActiveFrame: {09A801EC: cf 09A801CD, sp 09A80204, bp 09A801E8, ip 5, BiPosSessionManager(SessionManager)>>logError:} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager arg[0]: a Error New Method: VMLibrary>>dump:path:stackDepth:walkbackDepth: Message Selector: dump:path:stackDepth:walkbackDepth: *----> Stack Back Trace <----* {09A801EC: cf 09A801CD, sp 09A80204, bp 09A801E8, ip 5, BiPosSessionManager(SessionManager)>>logError:} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager arg[0]: a Error {09A801CC: cf 09A801AD, sp 09A801E0, bp 09A801C8, ip 3, BiPosSessionManager(SessionManager)>>unhandledException:} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager arg[0]: a Error {09A801AC: cf 09A8018D, sp 09A801C0, bp 09A801A8, ip 3, BiPosSessionManager(SessionManager)>>onUnhandledError:} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager arg[0]: a Error {09A8018C: cf 09A80171, sp 09A801A0, bp 09A8018C, ip 5, Error>>defaultAction} receiver: a Error {09A80170: cf 09A8013D, sp 09A80184, bp 09A80158, ip 55, Error(Exception)>>_propagateFrom:} receiver: a Error arg[0]: nil stack temp[0]: nil stack temp[1]: nil stack temp[2]: nil stack temp[3]: a Process('Main' base 09A80000 [ACTIVE] in SessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=4 list=01580010) stack temp[4]: nil {09A8013C: cf 09A8011D, sp 09A80150, bp 09A80138, ip 6, Error(Exception)>>_propagate} receiver: a Error stack temp[0]: nil {09A8011C: cf 09A80101, sp 09A80130, bp 09A8011C, ip 11, Error(Exception)>>signal} receiver: a Error {09A80100: cf 09A800E1, sp 09A80114, bp 09A800FC, ip 5, Error(Exception)>>signal:} receiver: a Error arg[0]: 'Primitive Process>>primTerminate failed (0)' {09A800E0: cf 09A800C1, sp 09A800F4, bp 09A800DC, ip 5, Error class(Exception class)>>signal:} receiver: Error arg[0]: 'Primitive Process>>primTerminate failed (0)' {09A800C0: cf 09A800A1, sp 09A800D4, bp 09A800BC, ip 4, Process(Object)>>error:} receiver: a Process('Main' base 09A80000 [ACTIVE] in SessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=4 list=01580010) arg[0]: 'Primitive Process>>primTerminate failed (0)' {09A800A0: cf 09A80081, sp 09A800B4, bp 09A8009C, ip 21, Process(Object)>>primitiveFailed} receiver: a Process('Main' base 09A80000 [ACTIVE] in SessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=4 list=01580010) stack temp[0]: a Process('Main' base 09A80000 [ACTIVE] in SessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=4 list=01580010) {09A80080: cf 09A80065, sp 09A80094, bp 09A80080, ip 7, Process>>primTerminate} receiver: a Process('Main' base 09A80000 [ACTIVE] in SessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=4 list=01580010) {09A80064: cf 09A80049, sp 09A80078, bp 09A80064, ip 15, Process>>shutdown} receiver: a Process('Main' base 09A80000 [ACTIVE] in SessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=4 list=01580010) {09A80048: cf 00000001, sp 09A8005C, bp 09A80048, ip 21, [] in BlockClosure>>newProcess} receiver: [] @ 10 in InputState>>forkMain <Bottom of stack> ***** End of dump ***** ************************** Dolphin Virtual Machine Dump Report *************************** 11:22:22, 12.12.2005: ResourceIdentifier does not understand #loadWithContext:forEdit: *----> VM Context <----* Process: {09C50004:size 205 words, suspended frame 09C50235, priority 5, callbacks 0 last failure 0:nil, FPE mask 3, thread nil} Active Method: SessionManager>>logError: IP: 096B9A89 (9) SP: 09C50418 BP: 09C503EC (235) ActiveFrame: {09C503F0: cf 09C503D1, sp 09C50408, bp 09C503EC, ip 5, BiPosSessionManager(SessionManager)>>logError:} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager arg[0]: a MessageNotUnderstood New Method: VMLibrary>>dump:path:stackDepth:walkbackDepth: Message Selector: dump:path:stackDepth:walkbackDepth: *----> Stack Back Trace <----* {09C503F0: cf 09C503D1, sp 09C50408, bp 09C503EC, ip 5, BiPosSessionManager(SessionManager)>>logError:} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager arg[0]: a MessageNotUnderstood {09C503D0: cf 09C503B1, sp 09C503E4, bp 09C503CC, ip 3, BiPosSessionManager(SessionManager)>>unhandledException:} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager arg[0]: a MessageNotUnderstood {09C503B0: cf 09C50391, sp 09C503C4, bp 09C503AC, ip 3, BiPosSessionManager(SessionManager)>>onUnhandledError:} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager arg[0]: a MessageNotUnderstood {09C50390: cf 09C50375, sp 09C503A4, bp 09C50390, ip 5, MessageNotUnderstood(Error)>>defaultAction} receiver: a MessageNotUnderstood {09C50374: cf 09C50341, sp 09C50388, bp 09C5035C, ip 55, MessageNotUnderstood(Exception)>>_propagateFrom:} receiver: a MessageNotUnderstood arg[0]: a ExceptionHandler stack temp[0]: nil stack temp[1]: a ExceptionHandler stack temp[2]: nil stack temp[3]: a Process(InputState>>forkMain base 09C50000 [ACTIVE] in SessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=4 list=01580010) stack temp[4]: nil {09C50340: cf 09C50321, sp 09C50354, bp 09C5033C, ip 6, MessageNotUnderstood(Exception)>>_propagate} receiver: a MessageNotUnderstood stack temp[0]: nil {09C50320: cf 09C50305, sp 09C50334, bp 09C50320, ip 11, MessageNotUnderstood(Exception)>>signal} receiver: a MessageNotUnderstood {09C50304: cf 09C502E1, sp 09C50318, bp 09C502FC, ip 12, MessageNotUnderstood class>>receiver:message:} receiver: MessageNotUnderstood arg[0]: a ResourceIdentifier arg[1]: Message selector: loadWithContext:forEdit: arguments: #(a DesktopView false ) {09C502E0: cf 09C502C1, sp 09C502F4, bp 09C502DC, ip 4, ResourceIdentifier(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:} receiver: a ResourceIdentifier arg[0]: Message selector: loadWithContext:forEdit: arguments: #(a DesktopView false ) {09C502C0: cf 09C502A1, sp 09C502D4, bp 09C502BC, ip 4, ResourceIdentifier>>loadWithContext:} receiver: a ResourceIdentifier arg[0]: a DesktopView {09C502A0: cf 09C50275, sp 09C502B4, bp 09C50294, ip 7, BiPosDialog class(Presenter class)>>loadViewResource:inContext:} receiver: BiPosDialog arg[0]: 'Default view' arg[1]: a DesktopView stack temp[0]: a ResourceIdentifier {09C50274: cf 09C50251, sp 09C5028C, bp 09C5026C, ip 16, BiPosDialog(Shell)>>createView:} receiver: a BiPosDialog arg[0]: 'Default view' stack temp[0]: a DesktopView {09C50250: cf 09C5022D, sp 09C50264, bp 09C50248, ip 6, BiPosDialog class(Shell class)>>create:} receiver: BiPosDialog arg[0]: 'Default view' stack temp[0]: a BiPosDialog {09C5022C: cf 09C50211, sp 09C50240, bp 09C5022C, ip 4, BiPosDialog class(Presenter class)>>create} receiver: BiPosDialog {09C50210: cf 09C501F5, sp 09C50224, bp 09C50210, ip 2, BiPosDialog class(Presenter class)>>show} receiver: BiPosDialog {09C501F4: cf 09C501D5, sp 09C50208, bp 09C501F0, ip 36, BiPosDialog class>>show} receiver: BiPosDialog stack temp[0]: nil {09C501D4: cf 09C501B9, sp 09C501E8, bp 09C501D4, ip 3, BiPosSessionManager>>main} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager {09C501B8: cf 09C5019D, sp 09C501CC, bp 09C501B8, ip 5, BiPosSessionManager(SessionManager)>>mainLoopStarted} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager {09C5019C: cf 09C50181, sp 09C501B0, bp 09C5019C, ip 9, [] in BiPosSessionManager(SessionManager)>>forkMain} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager {09C50180: cf 09C50155, sp 09C50194, bp 09C50170, ip 38, InputState>>loopWhile:} receiver: a InputState arg[0]: [] @ 9 in InputState>>mainLoop stack temp[0]: a MSG stack temp[1]: true stack temp[2]: [] @ 8 in SessionManager>>forkMain {09C50154: cf 09C50139, sp 09C50168, bp 09C50154, ip 15, InputState>>mainLoop} receiver: a InputState {09C50138: cf 09C5011D, sp 09C5014C, bp 09C50138, ip 14, [] in InputState>>forkMain} receiver: a InputState {09C5011C: cf 09C50101, sp 09C50130, bp 09C5011C, ip 13, ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>markAndTry} receiver: a ExceptionHandler {09C50100: cf 09C500D9, sp 09C50114, bp 09C500FC, ip 22, [] in ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:} receiver: a ExceptionHandler {09C500D8: cf 09C500B9, sp 09C500EC, bp 09C500D4, ip 18, BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed:} receiver: [] @ 0 in nil arg[0]: [] @ 39 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: {09C500B8: cf 09C50095, sp 09C500CC, bp 09C500B0, ip 3, BlockClosure>>ensure:} receiver: [] @ 17 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: arg[0]: [] @ 39 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: stack temp[0]: nil {09C50094: cf 09C5006D, sp 09C500A8, bp 09C50088, ip 44, ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:} receiver: a ExceptionHandler arg[0]: [] @ 10 in InputState>>forkMain stack temp[0]: nil stack temp[1]: a Process(InputState>>forkMain base 09C50000 [ACTIVE] in SessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=4 list=01580010) env temp[0]: nil {09C5006C: cf 09C50049, sp 09C50080, bp 09C50064, ip 7, BlockClosure>>on:do:} receiver: [] @ 10 in InputState>>forkMain arg[0]: ProcessTermination arg[1]: [] @ 13 in BlockClosure>>newProcess {09C50048: cf 00000001, sp 09C5005C, bp 09C50048, ip 17, [] in BlockClosure>>newProcess} receiver: [] @ 10 in InputState>>forkMain <Bottom of stack> ***** End of dump ***** |
> It is to despair, I spend hours and hours to port my 5.1.4 Pac to 6. I > imported every view in a single step into the VC. The package did not > load because of the second error below. > Now I got my PAC into vers 6 and deployed it successfully - it > crashes at runtime. Is that fair? > > Please chear my up! Well the thing that strikes me as odd here is that your main window appears to be a Dialog (BiPosDialog) rather than a Shell. I'm not sure you can have a Dialog as the only window open in a Dolphin application (I'll have to defer to Blair to comment on that). For the time being can you try making BiPosDialog a subclass of Shell rather than Dialog (if it is one at the moment). Best regards Andy Bower Dolphin Support |
thank you for answering promptly. Everything you wrote sounds ok, but only the view of BiPosDialog is a ShellView and Dialog is a subclass Shell. What I am wondering about is why doesn't it work to just save the package under 5.1.4 and import it in D6 and everything is fine? In the time during your answer I got rid of the exception in mutating all the "depricated" MultiSelectionListViews into ListViews. Now there is just the complain about: ResourceIdentifier does not understand #loadWithContext:forEdit: By the way... Everything is fine if I use a Workspace with "BiPosDialog show". Cheers Klaus ************************** Dolphin Virtual Machine Dump Report *************************** 13:52:05, 12.12.2005: ResourceIdentifier does not understand #loadWithContext:forEdit: *----> VM Context <----* Process: {09970004:size 205 words, suspended frame 09970235, priority 5, callbacks 0 last failure 0:nil, FPE mask 3, thread nil} Active Method: SessionManager>>logError: IP: 09630F69 (9) SP: 09970418 BP: 099703EC (235) ActiveFrame: {099703F0: cf 099703D1, sp 09970408, bp 099703EC, ip 5, BiPosSessionManager(SessionManager)>>logError:} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager arg[0]: a MessageNotUnderstood New Method: VMLibrary>>dump:path:stackDepth:walkbackDepth: Message Selector: dump:path:stackDepth:walkbackDepth: *----> Stack Back Trace <----* {099703F0: cf 099703D1, sp 09970408, bp 099703EC, ip 5, BiPosSessionManager(SessionManager)>>logError:} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager arg[0]: a MessageNotUnderstood {099703D0: cf 099703B1, sp 099703E4, bp 099703CC, ip 3, BiPosSessionManager(SessionManager)>>unhandledException:} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager arg[0]: a MessageNotUnderstood {099703B0: cf 09970391, sp 099703C4, bp 099703AC, ip 3, BiPosSessionManager(SessionManager)>>onUnhandledError:} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager arg[0]: a MessageNotUnderstood {09970390: cf 09970375, sp 099703A4, bp 09970390, ip 5, MessageNotUnderstood(Error)>>defaultAction} receiver: a MessageNotUnderstood {09970374: cf 09970341, sp 09970388, bp 0997035C, ip 55, MessageNotUnderstood(Exception)>>_propagateFrom:} receiver: a MessageNotUnderstood arg[0]: a ExceptionHandler stack temp[0]: nil stack temp[1]: a ExceptionHandler stack temp[2]: nil stack temp[3]: a Process('Main' base 09970000 [ACTIVE] in SessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=4 list=01500010) stack temp[4]: nil {09970340: cf 09970321, sp 09970354, bp 0997033C, ip 6, MessageNotUnderstood(Exception)>>_propagate} receiver: a MessageNotUnderstood stack temp[0]: nil {09970320: cf 09970305, sp 09970334, bp 09970320, ip 11, MessageNotUnderstood(Exception)>>signal} receiver: a MessageNotUnderstood {09970304: cf 099702E1, sp 09970318, bp 099702FC, ip 12, MessageNotUnderstood class>>receiver:message:} receiver: MessageNotUnderstood arg[0]: a ResourceIdentifier arg[1]: Message selector: loadWithContext:forEdit: arguments: #(a DesktopView false ) {099702E0: cf 099702C1, sp 099702F4, bp 099702DC, ip 4, ResourceIdentifier(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:} receiver: a ResourceIdentifier arg[0]: Message selector: loadWithContext:forEdit: arguments: #(a DesktopView false ) {099702C0: cf 099702A1, sp 099702D4, bp 099702BC, ip 4, ResourceIdentifier>>loadWithContext:} receiver: a ResourceIdentifier arg[0]: a DesktopView {099702A0: cf 09970275, sp 099702B4, bp 09970294, ip 7, BiPosDialog class(Presenter class)>>loadViewResource:inContext:} receiver: BiPosDialog arg[0]: 'Default view' arg[1]: a DesktopView stack temp[0]: a ResourceIdentifier {09970274: cf 09970251, sp 0997028C, bp 0997026C, ip 16, BiPosDialog(Shell)>>createView:} receiver: a BiPosDialog arg[0]: 'Default view' stack temp[0]: a DesktopView {09970250: cf 0997022D, sp 09970264, bp 09970248, ip 6, BiPosDialog class(Shell class)>>create:} receiver: BiPosDialog arg[0]: 'Default view' stack temp[0]: a BiPosDialog {0997022C: cf 09970211, sp 09970240, bp 0997022C, ip 4, BiPosDialog class(Presenter class)>>create} receiver: BiPosDialog {09970210: cf 099701F5, sp 09970224, bp 09970210, ip 2, BiPosDialog class(Presenter class)>>show} receiver: BiPosDialog {099701F4: cf 099701D5, sp 09970208, bp 099701F0, ip 36, BiPosDialog class>>show} receiver: BiPosDialog stack temp[0]: nil {099701D4: cf 099701B9, sp 099701E8, bp 099701D4, ip 3, BiPosSessionManager>>main} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager {099701B8: cf 0997019D, sp 099701CC, bp 099701B8, ip 5, BiPosSessionManager(SessionManager)>>mainLoopStarted} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager {0997019C: cf 09970181, sp 099701B0, bp 0997019C, ip 9, [] in BiPosSessionManager(SessionManager)>>forkMain} receiver: a BiPosSessionManager {09970180: cf 09970155, sp 09970194, bp 09970170, ip 38, InputState>>loopWhile:} receiver: a InputState arg[0]: [] @ 9 in InputState>>mainLoop stack temp[0]: a MSG stack temp[1]: true stack temp[2]: [] @ 8 in SessionManager>>forkMain {09970154: cf 09970139, sp 09970168, bp 09970154, ip 15, InputState>>mainLoop} receiver: a InputState {09970138: cf 0997011D, sp 0997014C, bp 09970138, ip 14, [] in InputState>>forkMain} receiver: a InputState {0997011C: cf 09970101, sp 09970130, bp 0997011C, ip 13, ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>markAndTry} receiver: a ExceptionHandler {09970100: cf 099700D9, sp 09970114, bp 099700FC, ip 22, [] in ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:} receiver: a ExceptionHandler {099700D8: cf 099700B9, sp 099700EC, bp 099700D4, ip 18, BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed:} receiver: [] @ 0 in nil arg[0]: [] @ 39 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: {099700B8: cf 09970095, sp 099700CC, bp 099700B0, ip 3, BlockClosure>>ensure:} receiver: [] @ 17 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: arg[0]: [] @ 39 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: stack temp[0]: nil {09970094: cf 0997006D, sp 099700A8, bp 09970088, ip 44, ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:} receiver: a ExceptionHandler arg[0]: [] @ 10 in InputState>>forkMain stack temp[0]: nil stack temp[1]: a Process('Main' base 09970000 [ACTIVE] in SessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=4 list=01500010) env temp[0]: nil {0997006C: cf 09970049, sp 09970080, bp 09970064, ip 7, BlockClosure>>on:do:} receiver: [] @ 10 in InputState>>forkMain arg[0]: ProcessTermination arg[1]: [] @ 13 in BlockClosure>>newProcess {09970048: cf 00000001, sp 0997005C, bp 09970048, ip 17, [] in BlockClosure>>newProcess} receiver: [] @ 10 in InputState>>forkMain <Bottom of stack> ***** End of dump ***** |
In reply to this post by Andy Bower-3
I created a new subclass of Shell (BiPosShell) and imported the stored view
from BiPosDialog (ShellView) as the Default View. This new class I called in my main. The result is the same as before. I gues it's something wrong with the View. Cheers Klaus |
In reply to this post by KlausK-2
> Everything you wrote sounds ok, but only the view of BiPosDialog is a > ShellView and Dialog is a subclass Shell. > What I am wondering about is why doesn't it work to just save the > package under 5.1.4 and import it in D6 and everything is fine? > In the time during your answer I got rid of the exception in mutating > all the "depricated" MultiSelectionListViews into ListViews. > Now there is just the complain about: ResourceIdentifier does not > understand #loadWithContext:forEdit: > By the way... Everything is fine if I use a Workspace with > "BiPosDialog show". Well now I'm confused. In your original post you said: "The package did not load because of the second error below. Now I got my PAC into vers 6 and deployed it successfully - it crashes at runtime." I took this to mean that you had solved the error concerning #loadWithContext:forEdit:. Anyway, another thought crosses my mind. We recently discovered a problem #2058 (Some deployed applications can fail with: "Not found: STLInFiler") and this is fixed in the latest beta patch level (dated 12 Dec 2005). Although the error message is not the same as the one you are seeing it may be a related problem. Therefore, could you try applying the latest Live Update and redeploying your application? If this doesn't work can you zip up the deployment log and e-mail it to me. Best Regards, Andy Bower Dolphin Support |
I got mixed up the sentences. It must be:
The package did not load because of the second error below, so I imported every view in a single step into the VC and saved it to the corresponding class. As a hint, if I tried to import the package I got that error and I tried to debug it. As I remember right, I saw something like right the place was at storing the resource "DialogView.ico" to a nil view. Anyway, I do that update later on my workstation and hopefully it works ;-). |
Everything is fine now.
The method ResourceIdentifier>>loadWithContext:forEdit: was accidental assigned to the package "Dolphin Legacy Resources Framework". This has potentially happend by debugging it when I tried to load the package. Thanks for beeing patient. Klaus |
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