Deployed console apps

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Deployed console apps

Ian Bartholomew-3

I was getting a lot of grief from a deployed console app that just would not
run properly. I narrowed down to a File>>copy:to: operation. If you create a
deployed console app with just the one method (assuming fred.txt exists)

    File copy: 'c:\fred.txt' to: 'c:\fred1.txt'

then the console never closes and a debug message is produced "No processes
are Ready to run". However the file _is_ copied.

A work around is to run the copy at a higher priority which then works as
intended with the file being copied and the console closing.

    [File copy: 'c:\fred.txt' to: 'c:\fred1.txt']
        forkAt: Processor userInterruptPriority


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Re: Deployed console apps

Ian Bartholomew-3
A couple of things I have found since the previous post

I happens on normally deployed apps as well (i.e. non console) if the app
closes before Windows completes the copy.

> A work around is to run the copy at a higher priority which then works as
> intended with the file being copied and the console closing.

Forget this. It doesn't always work properly either as you still can't
guarantee when the copy will be done.

Back to good old FileStream copying which _does work - Smalltalk rules!!!


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Re: Deployed console apps

Bill Schwab-2

> Forget this. It doesn't always work properly either as you still can't
> guarantee when the copy will be done.
> Back to good old FileStream copying which _does work - Smalltalk rules!!!

One thing to consider will be attributes, the time stamps in particular.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Deployed console apps

Blair McGlashan
In reply to this post by Ian Bartholomew-3

You wrote in message news:91i9d0$mt8$[hidden email]...
> ....
> I was getting a lot of grief from a deployed console app that just would
> run properly. I narrowed down to a File>>copy:to: operation. ....

I suspect this is because KernelLibrary call underlying File>>copy:to: (at
least if I am remembering correctly) is overlapped, and this is upsetting
matters. It needs a little further investigation to see what exactly is
going on, and whether it can be handled more usefully.

