Deploying applications on Vista

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Deploying applications on Vista

Mark Pirogovsky-3
Hello All,

I want to start discussion about problem we can encounter with the VW
based applications running on Windows Vista. I did outline few general
issues we run into lately please add yours as well.

We have well established application which was installed on multitude of
  various windows version from win 98 to XP SP2, and we barely had any
problems related to the file handling or other OS related services.
With vista everything changes, as an example:
- even if the user has Admin. privileges his application is running in
the User (as apposed to Admin.) mode.
-It is nearly impossible to tell from inside of VW if the file is
writable the file could be read only from the start and that we can see,
very often times file is selectively writable to some user and not others..
same goes to the the starting external programs via WinProcess class
Vista file system virtualization -- application writes to the file, and
everything seems OK, next time you start and the file is not there ?!

I think if I had an easy access to the following I would be able to work
-- the ability to tell at what privileges level application is running,
and if needed elevate the privileges to the level of the current user,
or at least to be able to tell the end user that he has to have more
-- ability to tell if file and/or directory is writable to the current
user or he has to elevate his run level rights, etc... before running
into the problems and needing to handle runtime errors... which
sometimes do block whole thing...

The MS explanations could be found at: