Deployment/packge script issues

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Deployment/packge script issues

Bob Jarvis
While testing the deployment of some of my apps with the new version
of Dolphin I found that Lagoon reported an error when trying to remove
the SUnitBrowserConfig class because an instance of it remained after
uninstalling the SUnitBrowserModelApp package.  Adding the following
line to the uninstall script of the SUnitBrowserModelApp package
corrects the problem:

     SUnitBrowserModel defaultConfiguration: nil

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Re: Deployment/packge script issues

Jeffrey Odell-2
Thanks Bob - I'll make sure that gets in the next version -


"Bob Jarvis" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> While testing the deployment of some of my apps with the new version
> of Dolphin I found that Lagoon reported an error when trying to remove
> the SUnitBrowserConfig class because an instance of it remained after
> uninstalling the SUnitBrowserModelApp package.  Adding the following
> line to the uninstall script of the SUnitBrowserModelApp package
> corrects the problem:
>      SUnitBrowserModel defaultConfiguration: nil

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Re: Deployment/packge script issues

Blair McGlashan
In reply to this post by Bob Jarvis
"Bob Jarvis" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> While testing the deployment of some of my apps with the new version
> of Dolphin I found that Lagoon reported an error when trying to remove
> the SUnitBrowserConfig class because an instance of it remained after
> uninstalling the SUnitBrowserModelApp package.  Adding the following
> line to the uninstall script of the SUnitBrowserModelApp package
> corrects the problem:
>      SUnitBrowserModel defaultConfiguration: nil

Thanks Bob, recorded as defect #955 for fixing in the next patch level.

