Deployment question: Anyone using modSecurity (or equiv) to ensure hackers keep out of Seaside?

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Deployment question: Anyone using modSecurity (or equiv) to ensure hackers keep out of Seaside?

Rick Flower
I had an issue over the weekend with my main server which is used as my
Seaside front end.. The issue was not related to Seaside at all but was
related to me having an instance of RoundCube sitting in my htdocs directory
for Apache.. Needless to say there was a security issue with the version of
the code I had and someone took advantage of it to run a perl script (via a
script/PHP vulnerability) that started sending spam out and sucking up 100%
of one of the 4 CPU's on the box..

This manifested itself in that our ISP shutdown our connection and our
systems stopped responding to Internet traffic.  In poking around I found
that our unix server was constantly hammering our router which seemed very
odd.  Anyway, I obviously found the culprit and have since ensured it would
not be hit again.

So.. In reviewing the issue involved with this it appears that something
like ModSecurity (see links below) and rules from might help
prevent this sort of thing from happening and was curious if anyone running
Seaside/Apache combinations has gone down this path to ensure naughty things
don't get passed into Seaside if possible.. Obviously I realize that PHP !=
Smalltalk and that exploits could be different but I'd like to reduce the
chances as best I can.

Just to be fair & clear, I've got no interest or relation to either of the
two organizations below.. I've not even used their stuff yet.. I just
want to see if anyone else has gone down this path to ensure your Seaside
apps are not being hit for tasks they're not designed for...


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Re: Deployment question: Anyone using modSecurity (or equiv) to ensure hackers keep out of Seaside?

Randal L. Schwartz
>>>>> "Rick" == Rick Flower <[hidden email]> writes:

Rick> So.. In reviewing the issue involved with this it appears that something
Rick> like ModSecurity (see links below) and rules from might help
Rick> prevent this sort of thing from happening and was curious if anyone
Rick> running Seaside/Apache combinations has gone down this path to ensure
Rick> naughty things don't get passed into Seaside if possible.. Obviously I
Rick> realize that PHP != Smalltalk and that exploits could be different but
Rick> I'd like to reduce the chances as best I can.

Since Seaside doesn't have any of the things listed at,

  Variable-length buffer injection
  Meta character injection
  SQL injection
  SOAP fault code disclosure

I'm not sure why you think modsecurity would help.

Assuming you're using GLORP for most of your sql, and follow best practices
for the small stuff that you would handwrite, of course.

The reason most PHP suffers from this stuff is that (a) PHP is written in C
and (b) many PHP coders are notoriously bad at understanding metacharacters
and (c) most PHP coders do not appear to understand SQL placeholders.  And
SOAP is just bad. :)

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<[hidden email]> <URL:>
Smalltalk/Perl/Unix consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for Smalltalk and Seaside discussion
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Re: Deployment question: Anyone using modSecurity (or equiv) to ensure hackers keep out of Seaside?

Rick Flower
On Mon, February 16, 2009 9:44 am, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

> Since Seaside doesn't have any of the things listed at
> namely:
>   Variable-length buffer injection
>   Meta character injection
>   SQL injection
>   SOAP fault code disclosure
> I'm not sure why you think modsecurity would help.

Well.. Without knowing what the internals of Seaside are doing (and I'm
frankly not that interested in knowing -- too many other things to do) or
how they're written, I couldn't answer those questions.. Hence my post to
the list.

Thank you for pointing out that Seaside is not vulnerable to any of
the exploits that are listed above.. That's good to know.

However, it does not solve my issue since I do have Apache installed and
will continue to have at least some PHP code for other things
(Squirrelmail,etc) lying around.  Perhaps this is true for others as
well.. Regardless I guess its good to be kept on your toes for this sort
of thing..

-- Rick

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Re: Deployment question: Anyone using modSecurity (or equiv) to ensure hackers keep out of Seaside?

Philippe Marschall
In reply to this post by Randal L. Schwartz
2009/2/16 Randal L. Schwartz <[hidden email]>:

>>>>>> "Rick" == Rick Flower <[hidden email]> writes:
> Rick> So.. In reviewing the issue involved with this it appears that something
> Rick> like ModSecurity (see links below) and rules from might help
> Rick> prevent this sort of thing from happening and was curious if anyone
> Rick> running Seaside/Apache combinations has gone down this path to ensure
> Rick> naughty things don't get passed into Seaside if possible.. Obviously I
> Rick> realize that PHP != Smalltalk and that exploits could be different but
> Rick> I'd like to reduce the chances as best I can.
> Since Seaside doesn't have any of the things listed at
> namely:
>  Variable-length buffer injection
>  Meta character injection
>  SQL injection
>  SOAP fault code disclosure
> I'm not sure why you think modsecurity would help.
> Assuming you're using GLORP for most of your sql, and follow best practices
> for the small stuff that you would handwrite, of course.
> The reason most PHP suffers from this stuff is that (a) PHP is written in C
> and (b) many PHP coders are notoriously bad at understanding metacharacters
> and (c) most PHP coders do not appear to understand SQL placeholders.  And
> SOAP is just bad. :)

I have seen an arbitrary remote code excution vulnerability in Squeak
including SOAP. Except that there was nothing SOAP specific about it.
It included something as simple as converting a String to a Boolean.

Given the PostgreS Squeak driver doesn't support prepared statements I
would be very cautios about any database related statements especially
considering that various vulerabilities in PHP can only be solved by
passing the character set of the input to the driver or using prepared
statements. Glashaus und so.

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Re: Deployment question: Anyone using modSecurity (or equiv) to ensure hackers keep out of Seaside?

Philippe Marschall
2009/2/16 Philippe Marschall <[hidden email]>:

> 2009/2/16 Randal L. Schwartz <[hidden email]>:
>>>>>>> "Rick" == Rick Flower <[hidden email]> writes:
>> Rick> So.. In reviewing the issue involved with this it appears that something
>> Rick> like ModSecurity (see links below) and rules from might help
>> Rick> prevent this sort of thing from happening and was curious if anyone
>> Rick> running Seaside/Apache combinations has gone down this path to ensure
>> Rick> naughty things don't get passed into Seaside if possible.. Obviously I
>> Rick> realize that PHP != Smalltalk and that exploits could be different but
>> Rick> I'd like to reduce the chances as best I can.
>> Since Seaside doesn't have any of the things listed at
>> namely:
>>  Variable-length buffer injection
>>  Meta character injection
>>  SQL injection
>>  SOAP fault code disclosure
>> I'm not sure why you think modsecurity would help.
>> Assuming you're using GLORP for most of your sql, and follow best practices
>> for the small stuff that you would handwrite, of course.
>> The reason most PHP suffers from this stuff is that (a) PHP is written in C
>> and (b) many PHP coders are notoriously bad at understanding metacharacters
>> and (c) most PHP coders do not appear to understand SQL placeholders.  And
>> SOAP is just bad. :)
> I have seen an arbitrary remote code excution vulnerability in Squeak
> including SOAP. Except that there was nothing SOAP specific about it.
> It included something as simple as converting a String to a Boolean.
> Given the PostgreS Squeak driver doesn't support prepared statements I
> would be very cautios about any database related statements especially
> considering that various vulerabilities in PHP can only be solved by
> passing the character set of the input to the driver or using prepared
> statements. Glashaus und so.

And Seaside had also once an XSS vulnerability because we don't use
the canvas everywhere.

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