DesktopManaker from Ctrl-D to Ctrl-M help needed!!

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DesktopManaker from Ctrl-D to Ctrl-M help needed!!

Ricardo Pacheco
Hello. I'm using the Desktop Manager  add on  in my Pharo 6, but I really
dislike the fact that its key shortcuts start with Ctrl-D because it hides
the  Do-It command. So I looked into the code and changed in the  class
method DesktopManager >> desktopMenuCommandOn:, to use Ctrl-M instead of

After saving the new key shortcuts are working now. Nevertheless the old
Ctrl-D based are still functional.

The question is, how do I disable them? In other words, I do I make the
system reset its key short-cuts?

Is there a tool where I can see all the active key short-cuts of the system
and manage them?

Thanks a lot.

PD to the DesktopManager team: Your tool is really cool, thanks a lot;
nevertheless is not nice to hide the Do-It command

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Re: DesktopManaker from Ctrl-D to Ctrl-M help needed!!

Ricardo Pacheco
Actually, I see that Ctrl-M is also not a good choice, so I will try to
figure out what key combinations are available!!

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Re: DesktopManaker from Ctrl-D to Ctrl-M help needed!!

In reply to this post by Ricardo Pacheco
On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 02:21:42AM -0700, Ricardo Pacheco wrote:
> PD to the DesktopManager team: Your tool is really cool, thanks a lot;
> nevertheless is not nice to hide the Do-It command

I don't use the DesktopManager, but remember seeing a reply some time
ago that Do-It has been remapped to Ctrl-D Ctrl-D.


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Re: DesktopManaker from Ctrl-D to Ctrl-M help needed!!

Ricardo Pacheco
Yes, you are right. Thanks a lot!!!!

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