Difficulties updating a file directory

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Difficulties updating a file directory

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2

I'm having problems understanding how #chooseDirectory: works. When I
run this code:

GrafoscopioDocumentation current localPlace: (UIManager default
chooseDirectory: 'Path to the documents Folder')

from a playground and choose a folder in my home directory, results in
localPlace containing a FileReference to
'/home/offray/Documents/Grafoscopio', which is what I expect. But if I
put a similar code here:


GrafoscopioDocumentation >> updateDocsPlace

     self current localPlace: (UIManager default chooseDirectory: 'Path
to the documentation folder')


and choose the same folder, I got a relative FileReference to
'Grafoscopio', instead of the one to the full path, that doesn't point
to anything existing in my system.

What I'm missing here?



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Re: Difficulties updating a file directory

Ben Coman

On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 9:26 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'm having problems understanding how #chooseDirectory: works. When I run this code:

GrafoscopioDocumentation current localPlace: (UIManager default chooseDirectory: 'Path to the documents Folder')

from a playground and choose a folder in my home directory, results in localPlace containing a FileReference to '/home/offray/Documents/Grafoscopio', which is what I expect. But if I put a similar code here:


GrafoscopioDocumentation >> updateDocsPlace

    self current localPlace: (UIManager default chooseDirectory: 'Path to the documentation folder')


and choose the same folder, I got a relative FileReference to 'Grafoscopio', instead of the one to the full path, that doesn't point to anything existing in my system.

What I'm missing here?

Totally wild speculation (I'm not very familiar with it and I'm away where I can check) 
it could be that #chooseDirectory: or something it calls raises a notification that is handled by the outer UI code, which is not done when executed from Playground.  
Try a halt before each UIManager and check if the execution paths are different.

cheers -ben