Better give you the version and here is the code I'm using.
Version: Linux
gst -v -> GNU Smalltalk version 2.3.6
Code sample
#! /usr/local/bin/gst -f
Object subclass: #DirNav
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'SG-Scripting'!
!DirNav methodsFor: 'operation'!
enum_folders: dirname
| homedir |
(File exists: dirname)
ifTrue: [
homedir := Directory name: dirname.
homedir allFilesMatching: '*' do: [ :file |
Transcript showCr: file name.
] ]
! !
Smalltalk at: #dirnav put: (DirNav new) !
dirnav init !
dirnav enum_folders: '/home/stephenw/projects_smalltalk' !
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