Disabling image save "snapshot" sound

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Disabling image save "snapshot" sound

Chris Hayes-3
Is there a way to disable the snapshot sound effect that occurs whenever an
image is saved?  I didn't see anything in Dolphin options.


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Re: Disabling image save "snapshot" sound

Ian Bartholomew-6

> Is there a way to disable the snapshot sound effect that occurs whenever
> an image is saved?  I didn't see anything in Dolphin options.

I don't think there's an official way.

Unofficially though, editing SmalltalkSystem>>playSaveImageSound or
replacing the sound file (Program Files/Dolphin Smalltalk
4.0/Resources/ImageSave.wav) with a silent wav appears to do the trick.


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Re: Disabling image save "snapshot" sound

Chris Uppal-3
In reply to this post by Chris Hayes-3
Chris Hayes wrote:

> Is there a way to disable the snapshot sound effect that occurs whenever
> image is saved?  I didn't see anything in Dolphin options.

I think that Andy once recommended:

    Sound clearRegistry.

as a good way to do it.  That's what I use anyway, and have done ever since
the damnable eructation first imposed itself.

;-)  (mostly)

    -- chris

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Re: Disabling image save "snapshot" sound

Jeffrey Odell-2
In reply to this post by Ian Bartholomew-6
Perhaps I'll replace mine with a "Use the Force, Luke" wave and really geek
out ;>


"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message

> Chris,
> > Is there a way to disable the snapshot sound effect that occurs whenever
> > an image is saved?  I didn't see anything in Dolphin options.
> I don't think there's an official way.
> Unofficially though, editing SmalltalkSystem>>playSaveImageSound or
> replacing the sound file (Program Files/Dolphin Smalltalk
> 4.0/Resources/ImageSave.wav) with a silent wav appears to do the trick.
> Ian