Disconnecting from Comet?

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Disconnecting from Comet?

John Chludzinski
In the same render method that I added:

        html document
              addLoadScript: (html comet
                     assignTo: 'window.mainPusher';
                     pusher: self pusher;

I also added:

        html anchor
             onClick: (html jQuery ajax script: [ :s | s << (s jQuery html: [ :h | "self break." h document addLoadScript: (h comet alias: 'window.mainPusher'; disconnect) ])]);
             with: 'KILL'.

This is my effort to stop Comet (the spinning wheel in the browser) by clicking 'KILL'.  It FAILS (i.e., when I click on 'KILL' - nothing)!

I also tried:

        html anchor
             onClick: (html document addLoadScript: (html comet alias: 'window.mainPusher'; disconnect));
             with: 'KILL'.

This works all too well.  It kills (i.e., disconnects from) Comet immediately.  No Comet for advancing slides in my presentation app.



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