I am executing disharmony codecity example with the properties #isGodClass, #isBrainClass and #isDataClass. However, the properties return Nil and in the documentation we have: return nil if the property does not exist. I have some questions:
1- Where these properties are calculated? I have not found!
2- Where can I find the list badsmells implemented in codecity?
3- I would like implement new properties for disharmony codecity, Where to start?
My test code is this:
| namespaces classes god |
namespaces := (MooseModel root first allNamespaces).
classes := namespaces flatCollect: #classes.
"Testing isGodClass"
god := classes first isGodClass .
classes select: [:each |
each isGodClass
ifTrue: [ Transcript
show: 'isGodClass: ';
show: each;
cr ]
ifFalse: [
each isBrainClass
ifTrue: [ Transcript
show: 'isBrainClass: ';
show: each;
cr ]
ifFalse: [
each isDataClass
ifTrue: [ Transcript
show: 'isDataClass: ';
show: each;
cr ]
ifFalse: [ Transcript
show: 'isNormalClass: ';
show: each;
cr ] ] ] ].
MSc. Taciano de Morais Silva
PhD Student in Computer Science - UFCG / Campina Grande
Assistant Professor of the Bachelor course in Information Systems
Department of Physical and Applied Sciences - DCEA / CERES
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - Campus Caicó