Hi Paolo,
I am searching for a simple pattern and wonder if you or anyone else
encountered this and came up with a nice solution.
I have a SortedCollection (of objects that have a timestamp), I want to
process the timestamps until a certain date, I want to avoid extra copies.
Right now I use code like this:
copy do: [:each |
each isTooOld ifTrue: [^true].
each doStuff
orig remove: each
Now I started to dispatch the block to another process (to avoid some locking
issues right now..) but obviously I get a BadReturn when invoking it in
another Context. Is there something like a 'break' for Iterable>>do:? is there
any other selector to help me?
One thing I can think of is something like this...
[copy isEmpty not and: [copy first isJounEnough]] whileTrue: [].
anything else?
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