Display Pier environment as Seaside component

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Display Pier environment as Seaside component


        my goal is to display Pier environment as Seaside subcomponent.

        I have some problem  ....

        First i create a class:

                        WAComponent subclass: #TestMultiPier
                        instanceVariableNames: 'pageA pageB tabs task'
                        classVariableNames: ''
                        poolDictionaries: ''
                        category: 'DTR-TestPier'

                super initialize.
                tabs := OrderedCollection new.

                nomeKernel := 'pier'.
                pageA := PRPierFrame  on: (PRContext kernel: (PRKernel instanceNamed: nomeKernel )).
                self initTopMenuFor

                tabs add: 'PageA' -> pageA.


                renderContentOn: html

                html text: 'Prova gestione multi Pier istance'.
                html paragraph: Time now.
                self renderTopMenuOn: html.

                task  ifNotNil:[ html div id: 'divTabMst';
                                                with:[ html render: task]]


        renderTopMenuOn: html
        html unorderedList id: 'menu'; with: [
                tabs do: [ :each |
                        html listItem: [
                                html anchor
                                        class: (task = each value
                                                ifTrue: [ 'active' ]);
                                        callback: [ task := each value  ];
                                        with: each key ] ] ]

Now when clic on the PageA link the system rendering the Pier page correctly.

The error is erase when i click on sub link   ( of the Pier main page ) Information or Environment.

The system report the error:

UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #context:
PRCurrentContext class>>value:
[] in PRContext>>activationCallback
[] in WACallbackRegistry>>handle:
[] in [] in WAActionPhaseContinuation>>runCallbacks
[] in WAActionPhaseContinuation>>runCallbacks
[] in WAActionPhaseContinuation(WASessionContinuation)>>basicValue

Because this ?



Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Display Pier environment as Seaside component

Lukas Renggli
I am not sure if I understand what you are trying to do, but did you see


? This embeds various Pier components in Seaside application.


On 26 November 2010 13:00, [hidden email] <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
>        my goal is to display Pier environment as Seaside subcomponent.
>        I have some problem  ....
>        First i create a class:
>                        WAComponent subclass: #TestMultiPier
>                        instanceVariableNames: 'pageA pageB tabs task'
>                        classVariableNames: ''
>                        poolDictionaries: ''
>                        category: 'DTR-TestPier'
> the
>                initialize
>                super initialize.
>                tabs := OrderedCollection new.
>                nomeKernel := 'pier'.
>                pageA := PRPierFrame  on: (PRContext kernel: (PRKernel instanceNamed: nomeKernel )).
>                self initTopMenuFor
> the
>                initTopMenuFor
>                tabs add: 'PageA' -> pageA.
> the
>                renderContentOn: html
>                html text: 'Prova gestione multi Pier istance'.
>                html paragraph: Time now.
>                self renderTopMenuOn: html.
>                task  ifNotNil:[ html div id: 'divTabMst';
>                                                with:[ html render: task]]
> the
>        renderTopMenuOn: html
>        html unorderedList id: 'menu'; with: [
>                tabs do: [ :each |
>                        html listItem: [
>                                html anchor
>                                        class: (task = each value
>                                                ifTrue: [ 'active' ]);
>                                        callback: [ task := each value  ];
>                                        with: each key ] ] ]
> Now when clic on the PageA link the system rendering the Pier page correctly.
> The error is erase when i click on sub link   ( of the Pier main page    )      Information or Environment.
> The system report the error:
> UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #context:
> PRCurrentContext class>>value:
> [] in PRContext>>activationCallback
> BlockClosure>>valueWithPossibleArguments:
> WAActionCallback>>evaluateWithArgument:
> WAActionCallback(WACallback)>>evaluateWithFieldValues:
> [] in WACallbackRegistry>>handle:
> OrderedCollection>>do:
> WACallbackRegistry>>handle:
> [] in [] in WAActionPhaseContinuation>>runCallbacks
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> WAActionPhaseContinuation(WARenderLoopContinuation)>>withNotificationHandlerDo:
> [] in WAActionPhaseContinuation>>runCallbacks
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> WAActionPhaseContinuation>>runCallbacks
> WAActionPhaseContinuation>>handleRequest
> [] in WAActionPhaseContinuation(WASessionContinuation)>>basicValue
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> WAActionPhaseContinuation(WASessionContinuation)>>withUnregisteredHandlerDo:
> WAActionPhaseContinuation(WASessionContinuation)>>basicValue
> Because this ?
> Thanks,
>        Dario
> _______________________________________________
> Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/smallwiki

Lukas Renggli

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Display Pier environment as Seaside component


> I am not sure if I understand what you are trying to do, but did you see
>    http://localhost:8080/examples/examplebrowser
> ? This embeds various Pier components in Seaside application.

I select from  /examples/examplebrowser the PRPierFrame exampleDocumentation .

        When select PRObject  or MAObject link  i found the same error.

In my test i found the error : I d'ont implement  the children method

        ^ Array with: pageA

with it the example work fine.

Now i have problem when i have the same seaside application but with reference to  2 different pier site

        i change the code to:

>>        my goal is to display Pier environment as Seaside subcomponent.
>>        I have some problem  ....
>>        First i create a class:
>>                        WAComponent subclass: #TestMultiPier
>>                        instanceVariableNames: ' siteA siteB tabs task'
>>                        classVariableNames: ''
>>                        poolDictionaries: ''
>>                        category: 'DTR-TestPier'
>> the
>>                initialize
>>                super initialize.
>>                tabs := OrderedCollection new.
>>                nomeKernel := 'pier'.
>>                siteA := PRPierFrame  on: (PRContext kernel: (PRKernel instanceNamed: nomeKernel )).

                nomeKernel := 'anowerpier'.
               siteB:= PRPierFrame  on: (PRContext kernel: (PRKernel instanceNamed: nomeKernel )).

>>                self initTopMenuFor
>> the
>>                initTopMenuFor
>>                tabs add: 'SiteA > siteA.
                tabs add: 'SiteB' -> siteB.

>> the
>>                renderContentOn: html
>>                html text: 'Prova gestione multi Pier istance'.
>>                html paragraph: Time now.
>>                self renderTopMenuOn: html.
>>                task  ifNotNil:[ html div id: 'divTabMst';
>>                                                with:[ html render: task]]
>> the
>>        renderTopMenuOn: html
>>        html unorderedList id: 'menu'; with: [
>>                tabs do: [ :each |
>>                        html listItem: [
>>                                html anchor
>>                                        class: (task = each value
>>                                                ifTrue: [ 'active' ]);
>>                                        callback: [ task := each value  ];
>>                                        with: each key ] ] ]

With it i d'ont found any very debug problem.

The first rendering of siteA and siteB work fine.

But when click on link of siteA   i have interference on siteB.

The siteB is update to siteA.

Any idea ?

I can have more PRPierFrame instances in the same application.


Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Display Pier environment as Seaside component

Lukas Renggli
I cannot reproduce this problem.


On 27 November 2010 07:25, [hidden email] <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
>> I am not sure if I understand what you are trying to do, but did you see
>>    http://localhost:8080/examples/examplebrowser
>> ? This embeds various Pier components in Seaside application.
> I select        from  /examples/examplebrowser  the      PRPierFrame exampleDocumentation .
>        When select              PRObject  or   MAObject        link  i found the same error.
> In my test i found the error :   I d'ont implement  the children method
>        children
>        ^ Array with: pageA
> with it the example work fine.
> Now i have problem when i have the same seaside application but with reference to  2 different pier site
>        i change the code to:
>>>        my goal is to display Pier environment as Seaside subcomponent.
>>>        I have some problem  ....
>>>        First i create a class:
>>>                        WAComponent subclass: #TestMultiPier
>>>                        instanceVariableNames: ' siteA siteB tabs task'
>>>                        classVariableNames: ''
>>>                        poolDictionaries: ''
>>>                        category: 'DTR-TestPier'
>>> the
>>>                initialize
>>>                super initialize.
>>>                tabs := OrderedCollection new.
>>>                nomeKernel := 'pier'.
>>>                siteA := PRPierFrame  on: (PRContext kernel: (PRKernel instanceNamed: nomeKernel )).
>                nomeKernel := 'anowerpier'.
>               siteB:= PRPierFrame  on: (PRContext kernel: (PRKernel instanceNamed: nomeKernel )).
>>>                self initTopMenuFor
>>> the
>>>                initTopMenuFor
>>>                tabs add: 'SiteA      > siteA.
>                tabs add: 'SiteB' -> siteB.
>>> the
>>>                renderContentOn: html
>>>                html text: 'Prova gestione multi Pier istance'.
>>>                html paragraph: Time now.
>>>                self renderTopMenuOn: html.
>>>                task  ifNotNil:[ html div id: 'divTabMst';
>>>                                                with:[ html render: task]]
>>> the
>>>        renderTopMenuOn: html
>>>        html unorderedList id: 'menu'; with: [
>>>                tabs do: [ :each |
>>>                        html listItem: [
>>>                                html anchor
>>>                                        class: (task = each value
>>>                                                ifTrue: [ 'active' ]);
>>>                                        callback: [ task := each value  ];
>>>                                        with: each key ] ] ]
> With it i d'ont found any very debug problem.
> The first rendering of siteA and siteB work fine.
> But when click on link of siteA         i have interference on           siteB.
> The siteB is update to siteA.
> Any idea ?
> I can have more PRPierFrame instances in the same application.
> Thank,
>                Dario
> _______________________________________________
> Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/smallwiki

Lukas Renggli

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Display Pier environment as Seaside component



about : I cannot reproduce this problem.

i send you the *-mcz file about my test.

You only need update  the initialize method with the Pier name instance in your image.

( it's work with same name 'pier' )

        nomeKernelA := 'pier'.
        nomeKernelB := 'pier'.

After when you browser the example :

        1 : click SiteA

        2: click SiteB

                2A) click on   Information link
                2B) click on Introduction link

        All is ok at this step.

        3: click SiteA and after a sub link  of it ( Information link for example in the default Pier )

        4: click SiteB NOW this page are update at point 3 selection

                                                NOT  at the last 2B  state.

I hope this help you to reproduce the problem.

I remain in every way on disposal for eventual explanations.

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...

DTR-TestPier-DTR.2.mcz (2K) Download Attachment