Display photos ( image) with some effect

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Display photos ( image) with some effect

Hi All,
some time ago i have see rendering photos with some effect ( fading for example ).
If i remember right it's based on seaside implementation, but today i d'ont found any reference to it.
Anyone have experience about it ? ( into GLASS ? ).

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!


Dario Trussardi

seaside mailing list
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Re: Display photos ( image) with some effect

Gaetan Le Brun
Hi Dario,

Take a look at the seachart project (http://www.squeaksource.com/seachart.html).

The CrossFade component  renders photos with a crossfade effect between them.


On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 5:52 PM, Dario Trussardi <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi All,
some time ago i have see rendering photos with some effect ( fading for example ).
If i remember right it's based on seaside implementation, but today i d'ont found any reference to it.
Anyone have experience about it ? ( into GLASS ? ).

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!


Dario Trussardi

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

Gaëtan Le Brun

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it.", A.Kay, 1971

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