Displaying custom Magritte view on FAMIX model

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Displaying custom Magritte view on FAMIX model

Peter Uhnak

I would like to build custom magritte view for a FAMIX model, however
it seems that Fame/Metanool are somehow interfering with it..

Imagine a simple model (a class with an attribute):
cls := FAMIXClass new name: 'Something'.

(attr := FAMIXAttribute new)
name: 'myAttribute';
declaredType: (FAMIXClass new name: 'OtherThing').

cls addAttribute: attr.

now I can open the magritte description
attr mooseDescription asMagritteDescription asMagritteMorph openInWindow.
However this is a meta description, which I don't want...

So second option was to build it manually; I extract descriptions that
I am interested in....
container := MAContainer new addAll: ({
attr mooseDescription at: 'name'.
attr mooseDescription at: 'declaredType'.
} collect: #asMagritteDescription).

(container asMorphOn: attr) openInWindow.

However the problem with this is, that the declaredType is presented
as TextField, which is not very useful.

So I'm kind of lost...

basically what I want to do is to have a MAContainer that contains
both the Attribute's name and #declaredType's name.

Is this possible?


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Re: Displaying custom Magritte view on FAMIX model

Tudor Girba-2

Metanool offers you a way to define new properties and edit those. Thus, it works at the FM3 level (which is a meta-model of FAMIX).

You seem to want to work directly at FAMIX level. This means that you just have an object, which happens to be a FAMIXClass instance, and want to describe it with Magritte.

For example, for adding a Name property, you can add this method:

^ MAStringDescription new
accessor: #name;
label: 'Name';

And you get:

Inline image 1

Inline image 2

What would you expect to get for declaredType?


On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 5:25 PM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:

I would like to build custom magritte view for a FAMIX model, however
it seems that Fame/Metanool are somehow interfering with it..

Imagine a simple model (a class with an attribute):
cls := FAMIXClass new name: 'Something'.

(attr := FAMIXAttribute new)
name: 'myAttribute';
declaredType: (FAMIXClass new name: 'OtherThing').

cls addAttribute: attr.

now I can open the magritte description
attr mooseDescription asMagritteDescription asMagritteMorph openInWindow.
However this is a meta description, which I don't want...

So second option was to build it manually; I extract descriptions that
I am interested in....
container := MAContainer new addAll: ({
attr mooseDescription at: 'name'.
attr mooseDescription at: 'declaredType'.
} collect: #asMagritteDescription).

(container asMorphOn: attr) openInWindow.

However the problem with this is, that the declaredType is presented
as TextField, which is not very useful.

So I'm kind of lost...

basically what I want to do is to have a MAContainer that contains
both the Attribute's name and #declaredType's name.

Is this possible?



"Every thing has its own flow"
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Re: Displaying custom Magritte view on FAMIX model

Peter Uhnak

> You seem to want to work directly at FAMIX level. This means that you just have an object, which happens to be a FAMIXClass instance, and want to describe it with Magritte.

I thought that I don't need to describe FAMIX models with magritte, because it is autogenerated from <MSEProperty: #someSelector type: #SomeClass>.
So I must describe it myself?

What would you expect to get for declaredType?

Well the descriptions of it... so in a single form I would have all the descriptions.
If I do it with my own descriptions... e.g.

^ MAToOneRelationDescription new
selectorAccessor: #declaredType;
label: 'Declared Type';

Then I at least get buttons for it (I didn't manage to achieve this with the autogenerated descriptions)

However I would still like the option to specify whether I want a new window to show up or let it be embedded in a single form.

I managed to track down something like MAInternalEditorMorph which maybe should do what I want but if I apply it it has no effect... so maybe it's broken or I don't know how to use it.


On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:31 PM, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:

Metanool offers you a way to define new properties and edit those. Thus, it works at the FM3 level (which is a meta-model of FAMIX).

You seem to want to work directly at FAMIX level. This means that you just have an object, which happens to be a FAMIXClass instance, and want to describe it with Magritte.

For example, for adding a Name property, you can add this method:

^ MAStringDescription new
accessor: #name;
label: 'Name';

And you get:

Inline image 1

Inline image 2

What would you expect to get for declaredType?


On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 5:25 PM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:

I would like to build custom magritte view for a FAMIX model, however
it seems that Fame/Metanool are somehow interfering with it..

Imagine a simple model (a class with an attribute):
cls := FAMIXClass new name: 'Something'.

(attr := FAMIXAttribute new)
name: 'myAttribute';
declaredType: (FAMIXClass new name: 'OtherThing').

cls addAttribute: attr.

now I can open the magritte description
attr mooseDescription asMagritteDescription asMagritteMorph openInWindow.
However this is a meta description, which I don't want...

So second option was to build it manually; I extract descriptions that
I am interested in....
container := MAContainer new addAll: ({
attr mooseDescription at: 'name'.
attr mooseDescription at: 'declaredType'.
} collect: #asMagritteDescription).

(container asMorphOn: attr) openInWindow.

However the problem with this is, that the declaredType is presented
as TextField, which is not very useful.

So I'm kind of lost...

basically what I want to do is to have a MAContainer that contains
both the Attribute's name and #declaredType's name.

Is this possible?



"Every thing has its own flow"