Distribution/Color Map of file size

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Distribution/Color Map of file size



yesterday I heard someone from my team talking about a tool for visualizing quickly file size in your system.

I was wondering if there is anything done with Roassal for that? I looked at the current version of Roassal in Moose 6.0 but I didnt find anything. 

If there is one could someone help me otherwise should it not be nice to have some? 

Thanks for your answer.


Brice Govin
PhD student in RMoD research team at INRIA Lille
Software Engineer at THALES AIR SYSTEMS Rungis
ENSTA-Bretagne ENSI2014
64 chemin des boeufs 91220 PALAISEAU

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Re: Distribution/Color Map of file size

Blondeau Vincent



This script from Alexandre?

b := RTMondrian new.


b shape rectangle

            if: [ :aFile | aFile path basename beginsWith: '.' ] color: Color red.

b nodes: FileLocator documents allChildren.

b edges connectFrom: #parent.

b normalizer

            normalizeSize: #size using: #sqrt.

b layout tree.






De : [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] De la part de Brice GOVIN
Envoyé : jeudi 30 juillet 2015 14:51
À : [hidden email]
Objet : [Moose-dev] Distribution/Color Map of file size



yesterday I heard someone from my team talking about a tool for visualizing quickly file size in your system.

I was wondering if there is anything done with Roassal for that? I looked at the current version of Roassal in Moose 6.0 but I didnt find anything. 

If there is one could someone help me otherwise should it not be nice to have some? 


Thanks for your answer.





Brice Govin
PhD student in RMoD research team at INRIA Lille
Software Engineer at THALES AIR SYSTEMS Rungis
ENSTA-Bretagne ENSI2014
64 chemin des boeufs 91220 PALAISEAU

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Re: Distribution/Color Map of file size

In reply to this post by BriceG
Hi Brice!

Currently we have no examples about this. 
I have slightly modified the script I’ve sent yesterday.

path := '/Users/alexandrebergel/Documents'.
allFilesUnderPath := path asFileReference allChildren.
b := RTMondrian new.
b shape circle
color: Color gray trans;
         if: [ :aFile | aFile path basename beginsWith: '.' ] color: Color red trans.
b nodes: allFilesUnderPath.
b edges connectFrom: #parent.
b normalizer
            normalizeSize: #size min: 10 max: 150 using: #sqrt.
b layout cluster.

You can try to replace “cluster” by “tree”. You can also click on each circle to enjoy the option offered by GTInspector
Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

On Jul 30, 2015, at 9:51 AM, Brice GOVIN <[hidden email]> wrote:

yesterday I heard someone from my team talking about a tool for visualizing quickly file size in your system.
I was wondering if there is anything done with Roassal for that? I looked at the current version of Roassal in Moose 6.0 but I didnt find anything. 
If there is one could someone help me otherwise should it not be nice to have some? 

Thanks for your answer.


Brice Govin 
PhD student in RMoD research team at INRIA Lille 
Software Engineer at THALES AIR SYSTEMS Rungis
ENSTA-Bretagne ENSI2014
64 chemin des boeufs 91220 PALAISEAU

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Re: Distribution/Color Map of file size

Nice! thank you Alexandre. Sorry it seems the automatic sorting of my mailbox failed so I didn’t see your script…
I’ll use it as a basis for what I want to do =)

Brice Govin 
PhD student in RMoD research team at INRIA Lille 
Software Engineer at THALES AIR SYSTEMS Rungis
ENSTA-Bretagne ENSI2014
64 chemin des boeufs 91220 PALAISEAU

On 30 Jul 2015, at 15:31, Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi Brice!

Currently we have no examples about this. 
I have slightly modified the script I’ve sent yesterday.

path := '/Users/alexandrebergel/Documents'.
allFilesUnderPath := path asFileReference allChildren.
b := RTMondrian new.
b shape circle
color: Color gray trans;
         if: [ :aFile | aFile path basename beginsWith: '.' ] color: Color red trans.
b nodes: allFilesUnderPath.
b edges connectFrom: #parent.
b normalizer
            normalizeSize: #size min: 10 max: 150 using: #sqrt.
b layout cluster.

You can try to replace “cluster” by “tree”. You can also click on each circle to enjoy the option offered by GTInspector
<Screen Shot 2015-07-30 at 10.30.08 AM.png>
Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

On Jul 30, 2015, at 9:51 AM, Brice GOVIN <[hidden email]> wrote:

yesterday I heard someone from my team talking about a tool for visualizing quickly file size in your system.
I was wondering if there is anything done with Roassal for that? I looked at the current version of Roassal in Moose 6.0 but I didnt find anything. 
If there is one could someone help me otherwise should it not be nice to have some? 

Thanks for your answer.


Brice Govin 
PhD student in RMoD research team at INRIA Lille 
Software Engineer at THALES AIR SYSTEMS Rungis
ENSTA-Bretagne ENSI2014
64 chemin des boeufs 91220 PALAISEAU

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Re: Distribution/Color Map of file size


Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

On Jul 30, 2015, at 10:56 AM, Brice GOVIN <[hidden email]> wrote:

Nice! thank you Alexandre. Sorry it seems the automatic sorting of my mailbox failed so I didn’t see your script…
I’ll use it as a basis for what I want to do =)

Brice Govin 
PhD student in RMoD research team at INRIA Lille 
Software Engineer at THALES AIR SYSTEMS Rungis
ENSTA-Bretagne ENSI2014
64 chemin des boeufs 91220 PALAISEAU

On 30 Jul 2015, at 15:31, Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi Brice!

Currently we have no examples about this. 
I have slightly modified the script I’ve sent yesterday.

path := '/Users/alexandrebergel/Documents'.
allFilesUnderPath := path asFileReference allChildren.
b := RTMondrian new.
b shape circle
color: Color gray trans;
         if: [ :aFile | aFile path basename beginsWith: '.' ] color: Color red trans.
b nodes: allFilesUnderPath.
b edges connectFrom: #parent.
b normalizer
            normalizeSize: #size min: 10 max: 150 using: #sqrt.
b layout cluster.

You can try to replace “cluster” by “tree”. You can also click on each circle to enjoy the option offered by GTInspector
<Screen Shot 2015-07-30 at 10.30.08 AM.png>
Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

On Jul 30, 2015, at 9:51 AM, Brice GOVIN <[hidden email]> wrote:

yesterday I heard someone from my team talking about a tool for visualizing quickly file size in your system.
I was wondering if there is anything done with Roassal for that? I looked at the current version of Roassal in Moose 6.0 but I didnt find anything. 
If there is one could someone help me otherwise should it not be nice to have some? 

Thanks for your answer.


Brice Govin 
PhD student in RMoD research team at INRIA Lille 
Software Engineer at THALES AIR SYSTEMS Rungis
ENSTA-Bretagne ENSI2014
64 chemin des boeufs 91220 PALAISEAU

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