Hi. Look at AST-Interpreter project which includes AST-Debugger http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Pharo/AST-Interpreter. Code is so simple comparing to "bytecode simulation" approach of current debugger. AST debugger are independent from bytecode set. It just visit AST-nodes to simulate code execution. But current debugger simulates bytecode. It depends on current bytecode set. There are few kinds of BytecodeEncoders. To understand how current debugger is working you need to know many VM details. So my question is why our debuggers are not based on AST interpreter? Why it is bad idea? (if it is bad). Best regards, Denis |
Hi Denis, No idea why the current debugger is not based on the AST interpreter or if there are any plans to move it. However, I think it will help to make the ASTDebugger compatible with the current debugger from Pharo. From what I see the code from ASTDebugger is indeed very simple. One option could be to create a subclass of DebugSession that overrides those methods that control the execution. If this goes easy then we could just reuse both the Spec and the Glamour UIs. Do you want to give it a try or sync more on this? Cheers, Andrei On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 12:12 PM, Denis Kudriashov <[hidden email]> wrote:
In reply to this post by Denis Kudriashov
Hi Denis,
Both the AST interpreter and the bytecode interpreter include the interpreter in Smalltalk in the image. Look at Context and InstructionStream to find the Smalktalk definitions of both the interpreter routines and the implementations of the bytecodes.
Not to mention, if it isn't broke don't fix it. But seriously, the system is based on bytecode, and that bytecode is pretty straightforward and easy to learn. Why not put in the effort of learning it? Criticizing something in ignorance is not wise IMO.
_,,,^..^,,,_ (phone) |
Hi Eliot. 2016-06-06 1:13 GMT+02:00 Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]>:
I just put this method here: InstructionStream >>interpretNextV3PlusClosureInstructionFor: client |
2016-06-06 10:45 GMT+02:00 Denis Kudriashov <[hidden email]>:
So to learn how #step method working people should understand this method. And it is not alone. |
In reply to this post by Denis Kudriashov
2016-06-06 10:45 GMT+02:00 Denis Kudriashov <[hidden email]>: One area where you'll find the AST debugger worse is in performance. The bytecode debugger uses perform: to execute at full speed when possible (it does interpret when doing step into or through, but not when doing over). In fact this part of the system, because it has to catch no local returns and exceptions, is the most complex, but it's not because of VM details, it's because of the use of perform: to run code being debugged to run at full speed. Same approach could be applied to AST interpreter too. |
In reply to this post by Denis Kudriashov
Hi Denis,
On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 1:45 AM, Denis Kudriashov <[hidden email]> wrote:
and what's your issue with it? It simply dispatches the standard byte code set as described in the EncoderForV3's and EncoderForV3PlusClosure's class comments: 0-15 0000iiii Push Receiver Variable #iiii 16-31 0001iiii Push Temporary Location #iiii 32-63 001iiiii Push Literal Constant #iiiii 64-95 010iiiii Push Literal Variable #iiiii 96-103 01100iii Pop and Store Receiver Variable #iii 104-111 01101iii Pop and Store Temporary Location #iii 112-119 01110iii Push (receiver, true, false, nil, -1, 0, 1, 2) [iii] 120-123 011110ii Return (receiver, true, false, nil) [ii] From Message 124-125 0111110i Return Stack Top From (Message, Block) [i] (126-127 unassigned) 128 10000000 jjkkkkkk Push (Receiver Variable, Temporary Location, Literal Constant, Literal Variable) [jj] #kkkkkk 129 10000001 jjkkkkkk Store (Receiver Variable, Temporary Location, Illegal, Literal Variable) [jj] #kkkkkk 130 10000010 jjkkkkkk Pop and Store (Receiver Variable, Temporary Location, Illegal, Literal Variable) [jj] #kkkkkk 131 10000011 jjjkkkkk Send Literal Selector #kkkkk With jjj Arguments 132 10000100 iiijjjjj kkkkkkkk (Send, Send Super, Push Receiver Variable, Push Literal Constant, Push Literal Variable, Store Receiver Variable, Store-Pop Receiver Variable, Store Literal Variable)[iii] #kkkkkkkk jjjjj (for sends jjjjj = numArgs) 133 10000011 jjjkkkkk Send Literal Selector #kkkkk To Superclass With jjj Arguments 134 10000011 jjjkkkkk Send Literal Selector #kkkkk With jjj Arguments 135 10000111 Pop Stack Top 136 10001000 Duplicate Stack Top 137 10001001 Push Active Context 138 10001010 jkkkkkkk Push (Array new: kkkkkkk) (j = 0) or Pop kkkkkkk elements into: (Array new: kkkkkkk) (j = 1) 139 10001011 kkkkkkkk jjjjjjjj Invoke primitive number jjjjjjjjkkkkkkkk 140 10001100 kkkkkkkk jjjjjjjj Push Temp At kkkkkkkk In Temp Vector At: jjjjjjjj 141 10001101 kkkkkkkk jjjjjjjj Store Temp At kkkkkkkk In Temp Vector At: jjjjjjjj 142 10001110 kkkkkkkk jjjjjjjj Pop and Store Temp At kkkkkkkk In Temp Vector At: jjjjjjjj 143 10001111 llllkkkk jjjjjjjj iiiiiiii Push Closure Num Copied llll Num Args kkkk BlockSize jjjjjjjjiiiiiiii 144-151 10010iii Jump iii + 1 (i.e., 1 through 8) 152-159 10011iii Pop and Jump 0n False iii +1 (i.e., 1 through 8) 160-167 10100iii jjjjjjjj Jump(iii - 4) *256+jjjjjjjj 168-171 101010ii jjjjjjjj Pop and Jump On True ii *256+jjjjjjjj 172-175 101011ii jjjjjjjj Pop and Jump On False ii *256+jjjjjjjj 176-191 1011iiii Send Arithmetic Message #iiii 192-207 1100iiii Send Special Message #iiii 208-223 1101iiii Send Literal Selector #iiii With No Arguments 224-239 1110iiii Send Literal Selector #iiii With 1 Argument 240-255 1111iiii Send Literal Selector #iiii With 2 Arguments The method uses binary search to dispatch efficiently (a modification made by Stephane Ducasse a while back). It isn't as readable as the old method but it is quite straight-forward. Further, it isn't specific to the VM. It is used by numbers facilities, to interpret byte code in the image (see Context/s implementations of pushReceiverVariable: et al), to decompile byte code methods, to print byte code, to scan for selectors a method sends, etc. Would it help if the method included the information in the class comments? Or would it be good enough for the method's comment to reference the class comments? BTW, there's a good article on byte code on wikipedia. Note that the VM executes byte code, not syntax trees, and so the VM and indeed all the execution machinery including the debugger, are not limited to debugging syntax trees. One can express many useful things in bytecode that can't be expressed by our syntax trees. And so if you do move towards the AST debugger you'll find that you've drastically restricted the flexibility and generality7 of the system for no benefit that I can see.
_,,,^..^,,,_ best, Eliot |
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