well this is in a bad taste
but you can by loading
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'Coral';
CoralLoader load
I did not try in 1.1
let me know if you succeed
Now I'm too busy to push it but I should.... argh.
Syntax is like that:
[ Point < #ColoredPoint
iv: 'color';
iv: 'z'.
[Point < #ColoredPoint
package: #Box.
[Point < #ColoredPoint
iv: 'color z'.
[Point < #ColoredPoint
shared: 'DefaultColor'.]
[Console print: ''''Coral is working'''', String lf.
Console print: ''''Yahoo!'''']
Object <: #SaBox
iv: 'bob'
package: 'SandBox'
SaBox>>convertToFiles: aClass inDirectory: rootDir
"a dummy example that convert a class in a file hierarchy"
| classDir categoryNames |
classDir := (rootDir / aClass asString) mkdir.
categoryNames := aClass organization categories collect: [ :aCategory | aCategory asString ].
categoryNames do: [ :aCategoryName | | protocolDir |
protocolDir := (classDir / aCategoryName) mkdir.
(aClass methodsInCategory: aCategoryName) do: [ :aSelector |
(protocolDir / (aSelector asFileName replaceAll: $: with: $_)) asFile contents: (aClass sourceCodeAt: aSelector)
SaBox new convertToFiles: Object inDirectory: Directory home.
Console print: ''''The directory '''', Directory home path, ''''/Object has been created''''
now the parser works and I was in the middle of moving to filessytem and got stuck in pharo.
On Apr 21, 2010, at 6:44 PM, Nicolas Petton wrote:
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