> I just downloaded a trial version of version 5XP.
> Where can i find documentation (for this release)?
I've appended a recent post from Andy Bower of Object Arts. There's not a
lot I can add...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andy Bower" <
[hidden email]>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: What's happened to the Dophin XP Education Centre????
> The new docs are in the pipeline. In the meantime you can get a semblance
> documentation and help by using the old Dolphin 4 download with D5.
> Go to the Dolphn 4 download library or use the following link:
> When opened this will prompt for the directory where Dolphin is installed.
> Initially this will indicate a Dolphin 4 path so you should change it to
> location where Dolphin 5 is installed (usually C:\Program Files\Object
> Arts\Dolphin Smalltalk 5.0). Once installed, start Dolphin and evaluate
> following in any workspace:
> (RegKey localMachineRoot)
> at: (SessionManager current productRegistryKey ,
> put: (SessionManager current
> installationDirectory,'\EducationCentre.chm::/htm/').
> You should now be able to use the various Help menu items and F1 in the
> various tools. Please note, though, that because this is the Dolphin 4
> file, the screen shots will not be representative and there may well be
> pages missing (like the help for Flipper for example). You should find
> it is better than nothing though.