Does anyone know how to run a .cmd script from VA Smalltalk with admin privileges?

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Does anyone know how to run a .cmd script from VA Smalltalk with admin privileges?

Louis LaBrunda
Hi All,

Does anyone know how to run a .cmd script from VA Smalltalk with admin privileges?  I know how to run command files but I need to run one with privileges.  I expect there is some structure I need to fill in and I'm looking but I will gladly take some help.


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Re: Does anyone know how to run a .cmd script from VA Smalltalk with admin privileges?

Hi Louis
try to logon as administrator using an OSCall, run the script and logoff / "revert to self".
We use this to start / stop / restart a Windows service like SNMP



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Re: Does anyone know how to run a .cmd script from VA Smalltalk with admin privileges?

Louis LaBrunda
Hi Norbert,

Thanks for the post and sorry for the noise.  The service had admin privileges and they flowed down to the command file.  The problem had nothing to do with privileges, it just looked that way.


On Monday, October 22, 2018 at 10:54:17 AM UTC-4, Norbert Schlemmer wrote:
Hi Louis
try to logon as administrator using an OSCall, run the script and logoff / "revert to self".
We use this to start / stop / restart a Windows service like SNMP



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Re: Does anyone know how to run a .cmd script from VA Smalltalk with admin privileges?

the simplest way could be

OSHwnd getActiveWindow
shellExecute: 'runas'
lpFile: 'cmd.exe'
lpParameters: nil
lpDirectory: nil
nShowCmd: PlatformConstants::SwShownormal

but, ask google about shellexecute and shellexecuteex. A link to a solution for another lang:

No guarantee.:)

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