Guillermo Polito <
[hidden email]> writes:
> We have a set of methods like
> #assert:description:resumable:
> That
> - have no users besides the tests that test the feature (no real tests
> using it)
> - there are two implementations and the one in TAssertable is broken
> (sends #isResumable: that has no implementors)
> Does somebody see some value in this method?
Pillar uses them but I don't know why:
| wiki text tree |
wiki := '!foo'.
tree := PRDocument new
add: ((PRHeader new)
level: 1;
add: (PRText content: 'foo');
self assertWiki: wiki equalsTree: tree.
assertWiki: aString equalsTree: aDocument
"Assert that parsing aString results in aDocument."
assert: (self parser parse: aString) = aDocument
description: aString
resumable: true
Damien Cassou"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill