Does vm shipped with Squeak 4.0 support closures? [cross posted]

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Does vm shipped with Squeak 4.0 support closures? [cross posted]

I know that Pharo (or at least Pharo with seaside) requires a VM with closure support, and the Pharo download page gives access to a vm 4.2.2b1 that supports them.

Squeak V4.0 has a vm 4.2.3.b1u, but I am unclear if it was build with support for closures. I just thought I would check on the pharo list and with the mouse folks as well, as I run both on my mac. I guess I might need both VM's.

Thanks to both for all the hard work!

Tom P.
Pharo-users mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Does vm shipped with Squeak 4.0 support closures? [cross posted]

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi Tom. Squeak V4.0 as far as I understood (I may be wrong) doesn't support closures as it is the same as Squeak 3.10.2 but with changes in the license.
Squeak trunk (not 4.0) do support closures, the same as Pharo.

For the Pharo side, it is easy. From
you can download the image and the VM and it will work.

Seaside one click images are based on Pharo, so the same applies for Seaside.

A closure enable VM should work also with non-closure images (like squeak v4.0) as I understand (again, I may be wrong).

I saw a mail from Chris in squeak-dev saying he has a problem with the I am not sure if the VM shipped supports closures or not.

Hope this helps.


On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 10:25 PM, <[hidden email]> wrote:
I know that Pharo (or at least Pharo with seaside) requires a VM with closure support, and the Pharo download page gives access to a vm 4.2.2b1 that supports them.

Squeak V4.0 has a vm 4.2.3.b1u, but I am unclear if it was build with support for closures. I just thought I would check on the pharo list and with the mouse folks as well, as I run both on my mac. I guess I might need both VM's.

Thanks to both for all the hard work!

Tom P.
Pharo-users mailing list
[hidden email]

Pharo-users mailing list
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