Dojo In Seaside Problem with Select List

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Dojo In Seaside Problem with Select List

Randy Nelson
I'm fairly new to Seaside, Dojo, etc... I'm posting this on both Dojo and this
forum because I don't know where my problem is...anyway, I'm having trouble
getting the selected value from a list.
renderContentOn: html
    html div
        class: 'MyPanel';
        with: [
            html select
            id: 'dailyDates';
            list: (self dates);
            selected: (self currentDailyDate);
            callback: [ :value |
                self currentDailyDate: value ];
            onChange: (
                (html jQuery ajax)
                    script: [ :s |
s add: (JSStream new nextPutAll: ('var dateList = dijit.byId("dailyDates");
alert( dateList );'); yourself).
 ] )
I always get an alert with "undefined" in it. For sanity, (that's
questionable....), I've tried just setting var dateList = 5 and then my alert
displays "5" as expected. For now, I'm not worried about not trying to get the
selected value - I can't seem to find the component...any ideas? Thanks

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Re: Dojo In Seaside Problem with Select List

My guess (based on my experience with JQuery rather than Dojo), is that the line: 'dijit.byId' isn't working?
Have you checked in your browser's console (using Firebug or dev tools etc) that there are no javascript errors?
Once the page had rendered, try opening up the console and entering dijit.byId("dailyDates"). Do you see any results? If Dojo is anything like jQuery then you're missing a '#'; try dijit.byId("#dailyDates")

On 1 September 2011 12:58, Randy Nelson <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm fairly new to Seaside, Dojo, etc... I'm posting this on both Dojo and this
forum because I don't know where my problem is...anyway, I'm having trouble
getting the selected value from a list.
renderContentOn: html
   html div
       class: 'MyPanel';
       with: [
           html select
           id: 'dailyDates';
           list: (self dates);
           selected: (self currentDailyDate);
           callback: [ :value |
               self currentDailyDate: value ];
           onChange: (
               (html jQuery ajax)
                   script: [ :s |
s add: (JSStream new nextPutAll: ('var dateList = dijit.byId("dailyDates");
alert( dateList );'); yourself).
 ] )
I always get an alert with "undefined" in it. For sanity, (that's
questionable....), I've tried just setting var dateList = 5 and then my alert
displays "5" as expected. For now, I'm not worried about not trying to get the
selected value - I can't seem to find the component...any ideas? Thanks

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Re: Dojo In Seaside Problem with Select List

Randy Nelson
Nick Ager <nick.ager <at>> writes:

> My guess (based on my experience with JQuery rather than Dojo), is that the
line: 'dijit.byId' isn't working?
> Have you checked in your browser's console (using Firebug or dev tools etc)
that there are no javascript errors?
> Once the page had rendered, try opening up the console and
entering dijit.byId("dailyDates"). Do you see any results? If Dojo is anything
like jQuery then you're missing a '#'; try dijit.byId("#dailyDates")

> On 1 September 2011 12:58, Randy Nelson <randy.nelson <at>> wrote:
> I'm fairly new to Seaside, Dojo, etc... I'm posting this on both Dojo and this
> forum because I don't know where my problem is...anyway, I'm having trouble
> getting the selected value from a list.
> renderContentOn: html
>     html div
>         class: 'MyPanel';
>         with: [
>             html select
>             id: 'dailyDates';
>             list: (self dates);
>             selected: (self currentDailyDate);
>             callback: [ :value |
>                 self currentDailyDate: value ];
>             onChange: (
>                 (html jQuery ajax)
>                     script: [ :s |

Thanks for the reply Nick. I am using Firebug and I don't see any errors on the
console. When I type dijit.byId("dailyDates") - and all variations (#, ',
etc...) - on the console, I still get undefined. What really confuses me is that
I can easily find other ids - either on the console on in javascript.

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