Dolphin 5.1 Released

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Dolphin 5.1 Released

Andy Bower

We've now released Dolphin Smalltalk XP 5.1 which contains a fair number of
enhancements and bug fixes over those available in 5.0. You can read about
the changes here:

The new version is a free update to existing Dolphin 5.0 users and can be
installed using your current version 5 serial number. Trial users may also
upgrade to 5.1 for the remainder of their trial period. If you wish, the new
version can also co-exist alongside previous installations. This may be of
use if you need to continue to run with an earlier system for whatever

Downloads are available from our software library at:

Thanks to everyone who tested the 5.1 Release Candidate software and
provided feedback. If you have any of the Release Candidates on your machine
you should uninstall them first before installing the final 5.1 release

Thank you for your continued support of Dolphin Smalltalk.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Object Arts Ltd.
Are you trying too hard?

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RE: Dolphin 5.1 Released

Diaz Cortez
Hi all

Andy the
link is wrong
works , maybe one mistake
please confirm this
best regards
Marcelo Diaz Cortez

Andy Bower <[hidden email]> escribió en el mensaje de noticias
[hidden email]...
> Folks,
> We've now released Dolphin Smalltalk XP 5.1 which contains a fair number
> enhancements and bug fixes over those available in 5.0. You can read about
> the changes here:
> The new version is a free update to existing Dolphin 5.0 users and can be
> installed using your current version 5 serial number. Trial users may also
> upgrade to 5.1 for the remainder of their trial period. If you wish, the

> version can also co-exist alongside previous installations. This may be of
> use if you need to continue to run with an earlier system for whatever
> reason.
> Downloads are available from our software library at:
> Thanks to everyone who tested the 5.1 Release Candidate software and
> provided feedback. If you have any of the Release Candidates on your

> you should uninstall them first before installing the final 5.1 release
> version.
> Thank you for your continued support of Dolphin Smalltalk.
> Best Regards,
> Andy Bower
> Object Arts Ltd.
> ---
> Are you trying too hard?
> ---

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Re: Dolphin 5.1 Released

Andy Bower

> Andy the
> link is wrong the
> works , maybe one mistake please confirm this

Yes, you're right, there is a typo in the Release Notes link which should

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: Dolphin 5.1 Released

Andreas Wacknitz
In reply to this post by Andy Bower
Andy Bower wrote:

> Folks,
> We've now released Dolphin Smalltalk XP 5.1 which contains a fair number
> of enhancements and bug fixes over those available in 5.0. You can read
> about the changes here:
> The new version is a free update to existing Dolphin 5.0 users and can be
> installed using your current version 5 serial number. Trial users may also
> upgrade to 5.1 for the remainder of their trial period. If you wish, the
> new version can also co-exist alongside previous installations. This may
> be of use if you need to continue to run with an earlier system for
> whatever reason.
> Downloads are available from our software library at:
> Thanks to everyone who tested the 5.1 Release Candidate software and
> provided feedback. If you have any of the Release Candidates on your
> machine you should uninstall them first before installing the final 5.1
> release version.
> Thank you for your continued support of Dolphin Smalltalk.
> Best Regards,
> Andy Bower
> Object Arts Ltd.
> ---
> Are you trying too hard?
> ---

congratulations for this new release.

Unfortunately I have detected three (old) problems in DBResultSet (related
to #300 of the release notes):
check numOfRows for -1. For Sybase SQL Anywhere this should be < 0 as in

Best regards,

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Re: Dolphin 5.1 Released

Blair McGlashan-2

You wrote in message news:b81c0m$59qvr$[hidden email]...

> Hello,
> congratulations for this new release.
> Unfortunately I have detected three (old) problems in DBResultSet ...
> to #300 of the release notes):
> DBResultSet>>approxSize
> DBResultSet>>findLast
> DBResultSet>>size
> check numOfRows for -1. For Sybase SQL Anywhere this should be < 0 as in
> DBResultSet>>isEmpty.

Well thanks for the report. This is really a single problem in the SQL
Anywhere driver in that it doesn't correctly implement SQLRowCount()
according to the ODBC specification (see the description of the RowCountPtr
argument at
ch21jpr_2.asp). From what I can see Christopher Demers reported this issue
in February of last year, specifically in relation to the #size method, but
it wasn't formally recorded in our bug tracking system. #isEmpty was
mysteriously modified to incorporate a workaround when bug #300 was fixed.

If you'd been able to let us know of this over the past few weeks since we
released the first 5.1 release candidate, then we certainly would have
included it in the final 5.1 release, but I'm afraid it is too late for 5.1
now. This is now recorded as issue #1247, to be addressed in a future

