I set a black background throughout the editor. Now, everything looks great but I can't see the cursor (as it is still black). How do I change the color of the cursor to white? Here are my current settings: Workspace defaultBackcolor = black defaultFont = Lucida Console 12pt defaultTabWidth = 4 textStyles argDecl = 255 196 196 assignment = white binaryMessage = white bold binarySelector = white blockArgDecl = 255 196 196 italic bold braceHighlight = bright cyan braceMismatch = bright red, bold, underlined comment = bright green identifier = white illegal = bright red keywordMessage = white bold keywordSelector = white literalArray = white literalCharacter = bright yellow literalNumber = deep violet literalPseudo = bright cyan literalString = bright yellow literalSymbol = white normal = white specialCharacter = bright cyan tag = 0 128 255 tempCloseBar = orange tempDecl = orange tempOpenBar = orange unaryMessage = white bold unarySelector = white |
> Hi,
> > I set a black background throughout the editor. Now, everything looks > great but I can't see the cursor (as it is still black). How do I > change the color of the cursor to white? Is that an operating system controlled option, or is that something that can be changed during mouse enter/leave events? I can't find anywhere that suggests changing the colour of the I |
In reply to this post by Griff-2
> I set a black background throughout the editor. Now, everything looks > great but I can't see the cursor (as it is still black). How do I > change the color of the cursor to white? > > Here are my current settings: > > Workspace > defaultBackcolor = black > defaultFont = Lucida Console 12pt > defaultTabWidth = 4 > textStyles > argDecl = 255 196 196 > assignment = white > binaryMessage = white bold > binarySelector = white > blockArgDecl = 255 196 196 italic bold > braceHighlight = bright cyan > braceMismatch = bright red, bold, underlined > comment = bright green > identifier = white > illegal = bright red > keywordMessage = white bold > keywordSelector = white > literalArray = white > literalCharacter = bright yellow > literalNumber = deep violet > literalPseudo = bright cyan > literalString = bright yellow > literalSymbol = white > normal = white > specialCharacter = bright cyan > tag = 0 128 255 > tempCloseBar = orange > tempDecl = orange > tempOpenBar = orange > unaryMessage = white bold > unarySelector = white The caret color is an available option for the Scintilla view that we use for the Dolphin workspaces. It's accessible via the #caretForecolor aspect of ScintillaView. Unfortunately, this isn't currently exposed as a User Preference for the development system. I've recorded this as an enhancement request #2163 to be patched in the next Live Update. Until that is released you can file in the following patch code to gain access to the option. Best regards Andy Bower Dolphin Support --- snip Presenter subclass: #SmalltalkWorkspace instanceVariableNames: 'evaluationContext errorModel findDetails workspacePool evaluationPools compilationErrors textStyles searchEnvironment modifiedModel flags' classVariableNames: 'Abbreviations AutoCompleteDwell AutoCompleteMask DefaultBackcolor DefaultCaretColor DefaultFont DefaultTabWidth IsAutoCompletionCaseInsensitive IsAutoCompletionEnabled IsAutoCompletionSpaceAdded IsAutoCompletionTruncating KeywordCompletions MaxAutoCompletionListSize StandardUnaryReturnTypes TextStyles VariableTipsMask WordWrap' poolDictionaries: 'CompilerFlags ScintillaConstants' classInstanceVariableNames: 'additionalAccelerators commandQueryHandlers'! !SmalltalkWorkspace class methodsFor! initialize "Private - Initialize the receiver's class variables. SmalltalkWorkspace initialize " self defaultBackcolor: (RGB red: 250 green: 242 blue: 208). self defaultCaretColor: Color black. self defaultFont: (Font name: 'Arial' pointSize: 10). self wordWrap: true. self defaultTabWidth: 8. AutoCompleteDwell := 30. KeywordCompletions := self defaultKeywordCompletions. StandardUnaryReturnTypes := self defaultUnaryReturnTypes. IsAutoCompletionCaseInsensitive := false. IsAutoCompletionEnabled := true. IsAutoCompletionTruncating := false. IsAutoCompletionSpaceAdded := true. AutoCompleteMask := 1. VariableTipsMask := 2. MaxAutoCompletionListSize := 200! ! !SmalltalkWorkspace class categoriesFor: #initialize!initializing!public! ! !SmalltalkWorkspace class methodsFor! defaultCaretColor "Answer the default color to use for the caret in instances of the receiver" ^DefaultCaretColor! ! !SmalltalkWorkspace class categoriesFor: #defaultCaretColor!accessing!options!public! ! !SmalltalkWorkspace class methodsFor! defaultCaretColor: aColorOrNil "Set the default caret color to use for instances of the receiver" DefaultCaretColor := aColorOrNil! ! !SmalltalkWorkspace class categoriesFor: #defaultCaretColor:!accessing!options!public! ! !SmalltalkWorkspace methodsFor! applyOptions "Private - Apply the class options to the receiver" view backcolor ifNotNil: [:color | color isDefault ifTrue: [view backcolor: self class defaultBackcolor]]. view font: self class actualFont. view wordWrap: self class wordWrap. view tabWidth: self class defaultTabWidth. view caretForecolor: self class defaultCaretColor. "textStyles are initialized to class setting by default, but parent presenter might have replaced them. N.B. If you blow up here, its because you are trying to use a non-Scintilla view with SmalltalkWorkspace. This is no longer supported." view textStyles: self textStyles. view wordChars: (Character byteCharacterSet select: [:each | (Compiler isAValidIdentifierChar: each) or: [each == $:]]). self hasSmalltalkStyler ifFalse: [self isAutoCompletionEnabled: false]. view isAutoCompletionCaseInsensitive: self class isAutoCompletionCaseInsensitive. "This has no effect, since we takeover insertion of the completed word, but its a useful way to store the flag on a per-instance basis" view isAutoCompletionTruncating: self class isAutoCompletionTruncating. view maxCompletionListHeight: 10. view maxCompletionListWidth: 40. self areVariableTipsEnabled ifTrue: [view isBackgroundDwellEnabled: true]! ! !SmalltalkWorkspace categoriesFor: #applyOptions!operations!options!private! ! !SmalltalkWorkspace class methodsFor! publishedAspects "Answer a <LookupTable> of the <Aspect>s published by the receiver." | answer | answer := super publishedAspects. #(#isAutoCompletionEnabled #isAutoCompletionCaseInsensitive #isAutoCompletionTruncating) do: [:each | answer add: (Aspect boolean: each)]. #(#defaultTabWidth #autoCompleteDwell #maxAutoCompletionListSize) do: [:each | answer add: (Aspect integer: each)]. answer add: (Aspect color: #defaultCaretColor). ^answer add: (Aspect dictionary: #acceleratorKeyBindings) beImmutable; add: self textStylesAspect; yourself! ! !SmalltalkWorkspace class categoriesFor: #publishedAspects!development!public! ! !SmalltalkWorkspaceDocument class methodsFor! publishedAspects "Answer a <LookupTable> of the <Aspect>s published by the receiver." | answer | answer := super publishedAspects. #(#reuseIfOpen #canUseIdeaSpace #wordWrap #variableTips) do: [:each | answer add: (Aspect boolean: each)]. answer add: (Aspect color: #defaultBackcolor); add: (Aspect color: #defaultCaretColor); add: (Aspect font: #defaultFont); add: (Aspect choice: #defaultView from: self resourceNames); add: (Aspect name: #defaultExtent); add: self workspaceClass textStylesAspect; add: (Aspect integer: #defaultTabWidth); yourself. ^answer! ! !SmalltalkWorkspaceDocument class categoriesFor: #publishedAspects!development!public! ! !SmalltalkWorkspaceDocument class methodsFor! defaultCaretColor "Answer the default caret color to use for instances of the receiver" ^self workspaceClass defaultCaretColor ! ! !SmalltalkWorkspaceDocument class categoriesFor: #defaultCaretColor!accessing!options!public! ! !SmalltalkWorkspaceDocument class methodsFor! defaultCaretColor: aColorOrNil "Set the default caret color to use for instances of the receiver" self workspaceClass defaultCaretColor: aColorOrNil! ! !SmalltalkWorkspaceDocument class categoriesFor: #defaultCaretColor:!accessing!options!public! ! --- snip |
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