I have a problem with the way the View Composer Mutate feature works in
Dolphin 4.0 (and previous versions). When you mutate a view it looses the
names of all sub-views. It took me a little while to realize what was
happening. I had created a new view MVP group as if it were a Window, then
I realized that I wanted to use it as a sub-view in another window instead.
So I attempted to mutate it to the right kind of view, and move the
presenter. However my code did not work because all the sub-view names were
lost as a result of the mutate.
Since mutate did not do what I wanted I decided to make it do what I wanted
(try that in Java;)). I found that I could save the sub-view names before
they were reparented, and then reset the names after. This worked well and
let me do what I wanted to do with my views.
Is there any reason why Mutate should loose sub-view names by default, or is
this a bug? I am enclosing the method I changed bellow. Is there a
downside to what I have done, that I may have missed?
====Dolphin 4.0 Code======
=====Begin Method========
ViewComposer<<mutateTo: aViewClass
"Mutate the primary selection to an instance of aViewClass.
CJD 12-2-2000 Modified to retain the name of the subviews after a mutate."
| x y tmpName |
x := self primarySelection.
y := x parentView addSubView: aViewClass new.
self copyAspectsFrom: x to: y.
x subViews reverse copy do: [ :each |
tmpName := each name.
each parentView: y; recreate.
each name: tmpName ].
self pastedView: y context: y parentView.
self removeView: x.
=====End Method========
I have not spent a great deal of time in Dolphin 4 yet, but so far I like
what I see. Great job OA!