Dolphin Applet

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Dolphin Applet

Hi all,
     I'm developing my web site using seaside/D5Pro/XP. It is good but was
lack of the ability like "javascript" in order to make my web pages more
     I needed it  for special-purpose reasoning or testing , for I had many
evidence-based medical prediction rules to be implemented  in each web page.
    The rules could be quite complicated with some sophisticated calcuation
processes, so it is impossible to be put the rules simply in one IA
Component subclass ( I even consider to try to learn to use so-called
metaprogramming technique,  in oder to change the run-time method (
calculation and rules ) behaviour dynamcially, so I can maintain only fewer
IA Component classes  and each web page that was rendered by those classes
still had its own different specific prediction rules and unique executable
calculating methods querried from the database. But I was not planning to go
further that way, if I had better choices).
     I found the easiest way is to shift to write these rule codes as the
JavaScript or Java applet in each web page, but  I knew that once Dolphin
had plug-in support for IE5 in D4, but not for IE5.5 above ?( even Squeak
had Squeak plug-in in SqueakLand,
    Is this feature available now for D5, D5.1 or future D6? and are there
any tutorials or programming samples to teach how to use it ? It confounded
me, since those "Web Plugin Builder", " Web Deployment Kit" packages are
still alive but there are no comments about the current support status or
clear coding examples.

Best regards.

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Re: Dolphin Applet

Andy Bower

>      I'm developing my web site using seaside/D5Pro/XP. It is good but was
> lack of the ability like "javascript" in order to make my web pages more
> dynamic.
>      I needed it  for special-purpose reasoning or testing , for I had
> evidence-based medical prediction rules to be implemented  in each web
>     The rules could be quite complicated with some sophisticated
> processes, so it is impossible to be put the rules simply in one IA
> Component subclass ( I even consider to try to learn to use so-called
> metaprogramming technique,  in oder to change the run-time method (
> calculation and rules ) behaviour dynamcially, so I can maintain only
> IA Component classes  and each web page that was rendered by those classes
> still had its own different specific prediction rules and unique
> calculating methods querried from the database. But I was not planning to
> further that way, if I had better choices).
>      I found the easiest way is to shift to write these rule codes as the
> JavaScript or Java applet in each web page, but  I knew that once Dolphin
> had plug-in support for IE5 in D4, but not for IE5.5 above ?( even Squeak
> had Squeak plug-in in SqueakLand,
>     Is this feature available now for D5, D5.1 or future D6? and are there
> any tutorials or programming samples to teach how to use it ? It
> me, since those "Web Plugin Builder", " Web Deployment Kit" packages are
> still alive but there are no comments about the current support status or
> clear coding examples.

The web applet feature is still available for Dolphin 5 and 5.1 but, as you
rightly point out this does not work in the more recent Microsoft browsers.
It is likely that we will remove it in Dolphin 6.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: Dolphin Applet

Bill Schwab-2
In reply to this post by tgkuo

>      I found the easiest way is to shift to write these rule codes as the
> JavaScript or Java applet in each web page, but  I knew that once Dolphin
> had plug-in support for IE5 in D4, but not for IE5.5 above ?( even Squeak
> had Squeak plug-in in SqueakLand,
>     Is this feature available now for D5, D5.1 or future D6? and are there
> any tutorials or programming samples to teach how to use it ? It
> me, since those "Web Plugin Builder", " Web Deployment Kit" packages are
> still alive but there are no comments about the current support status or
> clear coding examples.

Do you have control of the server?  Do you need a secure server?  If the
answers are yes and no, respectively, you might consider replacing the
entire web server.  Squeak can do that out of the box, or it might be
possible to port Comanche to Dolphin.

At one point in my recent efforts to free myself from WinCGI [1], I threw
together a very simple web server in Dolphin using code stolen from Squeak's
PWS.  Unfortunately, it depends on some things that I can't easily make
public, but I certainly can file out the HTML-specific parts as a starting
point to anyone wanting to take up the task.  Some theft from the sockets
connection samples and probably more theft from Squeak later, we'd have an
open web server fror Dolphin.  Any takers?

Have a good one,


[1] My production system uses a commercial server that will hopefully mutate
into yet another Apache installation.  The switch away from WinCGI was a big
step in that direction.

Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Dolphin Applet

In reply to this post by Andy Bower
Hi, Andy:
   Andy wrote:
> The web applet feature is still available for Dolphin 5 and 5.1 but, as
> rightly point out this does not work in the more recent Microsoft
> It is likely that we will remove it in Dolphin 6.
    Is it only partially removed ( only those components to IE Browser
applets)? So, we still had The Web Deployment Kit (WDK) to export non-web
based Smalltalk binary classes  via transportation mechanism and executed
its functionality as part of a normal application just as its package
comments describe.
    I cann't understand it without specific examples, so, could we find
coding examples in the current public packages or tutorials that are already
implemented using this methodology?


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Re: Dolphin Applet

In reply to this post by Bill Schwab-2
Hi, Bill:
   Thanks for your kindly help.

Bill wrote:
> Do you have control of the server?  Do you need a secure server?  If the
> answers are yes and no, respectively, you might consider replacing the
> entire web server.  Squeak can do that out of the box, or it might be
> possible to port Comanche to Dolphin.
    Yes, web security is a great concern for e-commerce. but, now, I'm not
going into it since I builded my web site only for experiments and
self-learning and was not quite mature to the point that I have full control
of my web server's detailed inner working. So far, I didn't know the
weakness of the Dolphin's Swazoo/HTTP frameworks that I'm using.
   It will be better if there are mature web server available, such as the
most popular one your mentioned, Comanche, be ported to Dolphin, to help me
to have that ability directly.

> At one point in my recent efforts to free myself from WinCGI [1], I threw
> together a very simple web server in Dolphin using code stolen from
> PWS.  Unfortunately, it depends on some things that I can't easily make
> public, but I certainly can file out the HTML-specific parts as a starting
> point to anyone wanting to take up the task.  Some theft from the sockets
> connection samples and probably more theft from Squeak later, we'd have an
> open web server fror Dolphin.  Any takers?
    I'm willing to have the opportunity to learn more, in order to make my
web services more fully potential.
    I will try to learn in Squeak for the reasons as you mentioned that it
already had good web capability to support out-of-box plug-in, updating open
packages available from SqueakMap and many good coding examples.
The only drawback for me is that it doesn't support Unicode String. I could
use only English in it.
     It would be a great opportunity for me to have your help from your
experience and share the codes to me.
> [1] My production system uses a commercial server that will hopefully
>mutate  into yet another Apache installation.  The switch away from
>WinCGI was a big  step in that direction.
   Sorry, I cann't understand what WinCGI is. Since I knew that the Apache
server is usually Unix-based, so,  you may mean to build the production
system in Unix but not in Windows? is it right?

Best regards.

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Re: Dolphin Applet

Jerry Bell
In reply to this post by Bill Schwab-2
Hi Bill,

There is always Swazoo, available at  It's a
nice, free, dolphin based web server.  Steve Waring has done quite a
bit of work on this since my initial port way back when.


Jerry Bell

"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message news:<b7othf$2nivs$[hidden email]>...

> kuo,
> Do you have control of the server?  Do you need a secure server?  If the
> answers are yes and no, respectively, you might consider replacing the
> entire web server.  Squeak can do that out of the box, or it might be
> possible to port Comanche to Dolphin.
> At one point in my recent efforts to free myself from WinCGI [1], I threw
> together a very simple web server in Dolphin using code stolen from Squeak's
> PWS.  Unfortunately, it depends on some things that I can't easily make
> public, but I certainly can file out the HTML-specific parts as a starting
> point to anyone wanting to take up the task.  Some theft from the sockets
> connection samples and probably more theft from Squeak later, we'd have an
> open web server fror Dolphin.  Any takers?
> Have a good one,
> Bill
> [1] My production system uses a commercial server that will hopefully mutate
> into yet another Apache installation.  The switch away from WinCGI was a big
> step in that direction.

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Re: Dolphin Applet

Bill Schwab-2

> There is always Swazoo, available at
>  It's a
> nice, free, dolphin based web server.  Steve Waring has done quite a
> bit of work on this since my initial port way back when.

Good point.  I have perhaps unfairly focused on its web services features,
to the point of forgetting that it does more than that.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]