Dolphin Community Edition

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Dolphin Community Edition

Sean Malloy-11
Hey Andy,

I see on the new site that there is a list item for the free edition of

I realise that the new site isn't really for public consumption, but looking
at that list item, it would appear that there you have made a concrete
decision on the free version, that you indeed will be releasing a free
version, and as such, may I shout this joy from the tree tops? :)

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Re: Dolphin Community Edition

Andy Bower-3

> I see on the new site that there is a list item for the free edition
> of Dolphin.
> I realise that the new site isn't really for public consumption, but
> looking at that list item, it would appear that there you have made a
> concrete decision on the free version, that you indeed will be
> releasing a free version, and as such, may I shout this joy from the
> tree tops? :)

Well, we've made the decision that there will be a free version but we
have't quite decided what it will be or what will be in it. It might
end up being DVE5 but I think it is more likely to be effectively a

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support

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Re: Dolphin Community Edition

Christopher J. Demers
"Andy Bower" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> Well, we've made the decision that there will be a free version but we
> have't quite decided what it will be or what will be in it. It might
> end up being DVE5 but I think it is more likely to be effectively a
> DVE6.

Either would be great, of course a DVE6 would be best.  I try to encourage
people to take a look at Dolphin, and a time limited demo is often just not
attractive if they are new to Smalltalk and are not even sure if it is worth
the bother.  I think a free DVE version would make it more likely for
outsiders to try and fall in love with Dolphin.

I am planning to release some simple utilities developed in Dolphin and will
include my source code.  It will be great to be able to also provide a link
to a free version of Dolphin people can use to take a look at the code.


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Re: Dolphin Community Edition

Sean Malloy-11
In reply to this post by Andy Bower-3
> Well, we've made the decision that there will be a free version but we
> have't quite decided what it will be or what will be in it. It might
> end up being DVE5 but I think it is more likely to be effectively a
> DVE6.

Can I make a formal request/plea to include the Sockets package into the
Value edition?

And if you were feeling really generous, also include one of the Database
packages (Either the Database package, or ADODB)

I think that the two areas where a lot of stuff would be done, is in
internet connectivity, and database applications, and a combination of the
two in things like web applications. If you could enable the majority of
that sort of stuff to be done from the start, I think that would be a very
powerful platform for people to look into, especially given that it won't
cost them any money to look into.

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Re: Dolphin Community Edition

Sean Malloy-11
In reply to this post by Andy Bower-3
> Well, we've made the decision that there will be a free version but we
> have't quite decided what it will be or what will be in it. It might
> end up being DVE5 but I think it is more likely to be effectively a
> DVE6.

Well I started shouting. If it's too premature, let me know and I'll pull it

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Re: Dolphin Community Edition

Schwab,Wilhelm K
In reply to this post by Sean Malloy-11

> I think that the two areas where a lot of stuff would be done, is in
> internet connectivity, and database applications, and a combination of the
> two in things like web applications. If you could enable the majority of
> that sort of stuff to be done from the start, I think that would be a very
> powerful platform for people to look into, especially given that it won't
> cost them any money to look into.

I think that's giving away too much.  It might make sense to provide a
hard-wired interface to something like msql (_not_ MySQL) or something
similar, but even that might be overkill.

Dolphin is a good buy.  A free version makes sense, but it should be
such that once a user gets the idea, they have some motivation to spend
a little money.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]