Dolphin TO GO - Setting REOSOURCES?

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Dolphin TO GO - Setting REOSOURCES?

I'm wondering if it's possible to set the version information for a
Dolphin TO GO executable before the stripping process. Also if it's
possible to set application icon.

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Re: Dolphin TO GO - Setting REOSOURCES?

Ian Bartholomew-14
> I'm wondering if it's possible to set the version information for a
> Dolphin TO GO executable before the stripping process.

I guess you are talking about the information shown under the properties tag
for a file in Windows explorer?  I've never seen any mention of the stripper
being able to alter this information but, there again, I have never looked
or tried.

The only other mention I can see in the archive on this is a post from Don
Rylander (8/11/2001) asking for information about editing the property
fields in the deployed file. No one replied and I don't know if Don got any

> Also if it's possible to set application icon.

You can get Windows applications (paid for or shareware) that will allow you
to change the application icon.

Alternatively, one of my Dolphin XP goodies, ImageLibrary, has now regained
the ability to do this - albeit in a slightly crude way. A deployed
application (standard or ToGo) contains two icons in a specific position in
the file and ImageLibrary just overwrites these with identically sized icons
that you have created. The only restriction is that you must specify two
icons of the correct size and colour depth (or capable of being
automatically converted into the correct format).  Basically you need two
icons - either one sized 32x32 using 3 to 16 colours and one sized 32x32
using 3 to 256 colours or two identical 32x32 icons using 3 to 16 colours.
In the latter case one of them is automatically promoted to 256 colours.


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Re: Dolphin TO GO - Setting REOSOURCES?

Chris Uppal-3
In reply to this post by kruger
"kruger" <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I'm wondering if it's possible to set the version information for a
> Dolphin TO GO executable before the stripping process. Also if it's
> possible to set application icon.

It's possible to set some string resources.  Look at the "properties" of the
deployed package in the package manager, drill down into imageStripper, and
then you should see fileVersion, productVersion, and stringTables, aspects.  I
think that these are the settings you are looking for.

The "custom options" button in step 7 of deployment provides an alternative
route to the same settings.

    -- chris